Differenze tra le versioni di "Pokémon Advanced (sigla)"

Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  01:22, 3 mar 2013
<i>This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced (come on dance!)<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced (come on dance!)<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
Io ricomincio da qui<br>
This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced (come on dance!)<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
Combatterò e vincerò<br>
This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
This is the dance, of the Pokémon Advanced (come on dance!)<br>
You've got a chance whitwith the Pokémon Advanced
Laggiù assieme a Pikachu (laggiù!)<br>
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