Differenze tra le versioni di "Quinta generazione"

Sostituzione testo - 'Trivia' con 'Curiosità'
(che pizza....)
m (Sostituzione testo - 'Trivia' con 'Curiosità')
The fifth generation of Pokémon games focuses on the relationships between opposites, such as nature and industry or humans and Pokémon. This comes from the concept of Yin and Yang, which the legendary mascots of {{game|Black and White|s}}, {{p|Reshiram}} and {{p|Zekrom}}, are based on, with another reference being that Reshiram is the mascot of Black and Zekrom being the mascot of White-- both are opposite colored to the game's color, while version mascots beforehand had always matched. The [[Musketeer trio]] also represent this theme as they are trying to prevent Pokémon from losing their natural habitats to human industry. The generation's main antagonists, [[Team Plasma]], also fit in with this theme, as their goal is to separate Pokémon from humans. Some of the cities also reflect this theme by being aesthetically different depending on the version of the game; two major examples of this are [[Black City]] and [[White Forest]], two version-exclusive locations. The {{pkmn|Dream World}}, which is supposed to combine dreams and reality, also fit into this theme.
*Questa generazione ha introdotto il maggior numero di Pokémon finora: 156
*La quinta generazione l'unica a non avere introdotto nessun [[Pokémon Baby]] o evoluzioni di Pokémon di precedenti generazioni.
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