Differenze tra le versioni di "Regione"

4 byte aggiunti ,  16:38, 26 mar 2011
Sostituzione testo - 'Trivia' con 'Curiosità'
m (Sostituzione testo - 'Isshu' con 'Unima')
m (Sostituzione testo - 'Trivia' con 'Curiosità')
Additionally, one region exists in the anime that does not exist in any video game. The [[Orange Archipelago]] was the tropical setting for the [[Pokémon: The Adventures in the Orange Islands|second season]] of the anime. Located south of Kanto and Johto, it differs from the standard region formula, with only four gyms and no Pokémon League. This truncated version of events is likely due to the Orange Islands being a [[filler episode|"filler" arc]] while Nintendo prepared the release of the [[Generation II|second generation]] of Pokémon.
* The names of the five regions visited in the main series games are all composed of four kana: カントー (Kanto), ジョウト (Johto), ホウエン (Hoenn), シンオウ (Sinnoh), and イッシュ (Unima).
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