Differenze tra le versioni di "Modulo:Wikilib/sigle"

Fixing bugs *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***
(Adding _abbr proxy function to abbreviation modules *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
(Fixing bugs *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables') -- luacheck: no unused
local w = require('Modulo:Wikilib')
local cc = require('Modulo:ChooseColor')
local c = mw.loadData('Modulo:Colore/data')
local sig = mw.loadData('Modulo:Sigle/data')
This function returns the links to all of the games in an abbreviation data,
displayed displayed in the specified color and shade. The color can be passed as an
as an hexadecimal or as a named color; it defaults to each game's own color, or black
black if the game has no color. The shade default is 'normale'.
-- This is ok also for when c[color].normale evaluates to false
local background = c[color] and c[color].normale or color
local text = tablecc.search(wData.whitetext,forBg{args={background}} == color:lower())'white-text'
and c.background
or '000'
return background, text
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