Differenze tra le versioni di "Pokérap di Hoenn"

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(Creazione della pagina Pokérap di Hoenn)
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Il '''Pokérap di Hoenn''' è il terzo e ultimo [[Pokérap]] ad essere realizzato dalla [[4Kids Entertainment]] per la [[serie animata Pokémon]]. Al suo interno vengono citati 133 dei 135 Pokémon di [[terza generazione]], oltre a {{p|[[Mew}}]] e {{p|[[Celebi}}]], con l'eccezione di {{p|[[Zigzagoon}}]] e {{p|[[Relicanth}}]].
Esistono due versioni del Pokérap di Hoenn, le quali condividono il testo ma con una versione che ha una musica più veloce e più rappata dell'altra.
<div>It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!</div><div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
|{{p|[[Treecko}}]] and {{p|[[Torchic}}]] in the back,<div>We got {{p|[[Mudkip}}]] and {{p|[[Marshtomp}}]], here in the track,</div>
<div>{{p|[[Swampert}}]], {{p|[[Poochyena}}]], I see you too,</div><div>We got {{p|[[Wurmple}}]] and {{p|[[Beautifly}}]] and {{p|[[Cascoon}}]].</div>
|{{p|[[Lotad}}]], {{p|[[Lombre}}]], {{p|[[Ludicolo}}]],<div>{{p|[[Linoone}}]] and {{p|[[Silcoon}}]], but more to go though,</div>
<div>{{p|[[Grovyle}}]] and {{p|[[Sceptile}}]], {{p|[[Combusken}}]] and {{p|[[Blaziken}}]]</div><div>Yo where you at, 'cos it's me, I'm asking.</div>
|{{p|[[Mightyena}}]], {{p|[[Dustox}}]], {{p|[[Seedot}}]] and {{p|[[Nuzleaf}}]],<div>I see {{p|[[Shiftry}}]] over there waving peace.</div>
|It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!<div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
<div>It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!</div><div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
|{{p|[[Latias}}]] and {{p|[[Latios}}]] boy on my right,<div>{{p|[[Regice}}]], {{p|[[Registeel}}]], {{p|[[Regirock}}]] through the night.</div>
<div>{{p|[[Duskull}}]], {{p|[[Dusclops}}]], {{p|[[Tropius}}]], {{p|[[Chimecho}}]],</div><div>{{p|[[Absol}}]], {{p|[[Glalie}}]], {{p|[[Spheal}}]] and {{p|[[Sealeo}}]].</div>
|{{p|[[Clamperl}}]] and {{p|[[Huntail}}]], {{p|[[Gorebyss}}]], you're the most,<div>{{p|[[Luvdisc}}]], {{p|[[Bagon}}]], {{p|[[Shelgon}}]], {{p|[[Metagross}}]].</div>
<div>{{p|[[Armaldo}}]], {{p|[[Feebas}}]], {{p|[[Milotic}}]] and we're still not done</div><div>{{p|[[Castform}}]], {{p|[[Kecleon}}]], ain't this fun?</div>
|{{p|[[Wynaut}}]] and {{p|[[Snorunt}}]], yo where you at?<div>{{p|[[Shuppet}}]] and {{p|[[Banette}}]] step up to bat.</div>
<div>{{p|[[Salamence}}]], {{p|[[Beldum}}]], {{p|[[Metang}}]] and {{p|[[Groudon}}]]</div><div>{{p|[[Kyogre}}]] and {{p|[[Walrein}}]] and we've only just begun.</div>
|It's the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!<div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
<div>It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!</div><div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
|{{p|[[Makuhita}}]], {{p|[[Hariyama}}]], {{p|[[Azurill}}]] and {{p|[[Nosepass}}]].<div>{{p|[[Skitty}}]], {{p|[[Delcatty}}]], {{p|[[Sableye}}]], I'm movin' fast!</div>
{{p|[[Slaking}}]], {{p|[[Nincada}}]], {{p|[[Loudred}}]] and {{p|[[Exploud}}]].<div>{{p|[[Aggron}}]], {{p|[[Meditite}}]], {{p|[[Medicham}}]], say it loud!</div>
|{{p|[[Swellow}}]], {{p|[[Wingull}}]], {{p|[[Pelipper}}]] and {{p|[[Ralts}}]].<div>{{p|[[Shroomish}}]], {{p|[[Breloom}}]], {{p|[[Slakoth}}]] and {{p|[[Vigoroth}}]].</div>
<div>{{p|[[Mawile}}]], {{p|[[Taillow}}]], {{p|[[Aron}}]], {{p|[[Electrike}}]],</div><div>{{p|[[Manectric}}]], {{p|[[Plusle}}]], {{p|[[Lairon}}]], who you like?</div>
|{{p|[[Rayquaza}}]], {{p|[[Ninjask}}]], {{p|[[Shedinja}}]], {{p|[[Whismur}}]],<div>{{p|[[Vibrava}}]], {{p|[[Flygon}}]], which one do you prefer?</div>
<div>{{p|[[Kirlia}}]], {{p|[[Gardevoir}}]], {{p|[[Surskit}}]] and {{p|[[Masquerain}}]]</div><div>Come on everybody, help me sing the refrain!</div>
|We got the P to the O-K-É-M-O-N!<div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
<div>It's rollcall time, listen up my friends!</div><div>The gang's all here, the gang's all here.</div>
|Now we make it real quiet just for a few,<div>{{p|[[Jirachi}}]], {{p|[[Deoxys}}]], {{p|[[Celebi}}]] and {{p|[[Mew}}]].</div>
<div>Now we bring it back again for {{p|[[Torkoal}}]] and {{p|[[Spoink}}]],</div><div>And {{p|[[Numel}}]] and {{p|[[Camerupt}}]] rocking this joint.</div>
|{{p|[[Grumpig}}]], {{p|[[Spinda}}]], {{p|[[Trapinch}}]], {{p|[[Gulpin}}]], {{p|[[Swalot}}]], {{p|[[Roselia}}]]<div>{{p|[[Carvanha}}]], {{p|[[Sharpedo}}]], {{p|[[Wailmer}}]], I see ya.</div>
<div>{{p|[[Wailord}}]], {{p|[[Illumise}}]], {{p|[[Volbeat}}]] and {{p|[[Minun}}]].</div><div>Everyone stay with me 'cos the end is coming soon.</div>
|{{p|[[Anorith}}]], {{p|[[Cradily}}]], {{p|[[Lileep}}]] and {{p|[[Claydol}}]].<div>People pay attention 'cos that's not all.</div>
<div>We got {{p|[[Baltoy}}]] and {{p|[[Crawdaunt}}]], {{p|[[Corphish}}]] and {{p|[[Whiscash}}]],</div><div>{{p|[[Barboach}}]] and {{p|[[Solrock}}]], the names they can't last.</div>
|{{p|[[Lunatone}}]], {{p|[[Seviper}}]], {{p|[[Zangoose}}]], {{p|[[Altaria}}]],<div>{{p|[[Swablu}}]] and {{p|[[Cacturne}}]], I hope I'm not scaring ya.</div>
<div>There's one more name that I have to relate.</div><div>It's spelled [[Cacnea|C-A-C-N-E and A]]!</div>
* {{p|[[Mew}}]] e {{p|[[Celebi}}]] vengono menzionati nella canzone nonostante siano pokémon di generazioni differenti. Questo è probabilmente dovuto alla loro assenza nei [[Pokérap di Kanto|rispettivi]] [[Pokérap GS|Pokérap]].
* A differenza degli altri due Pokérap, questo spesso copre i Pokémon simili o connessi per evoluzione cantandoli uno dopo l'altro.
* Se si dovesse riorganzizare il Pokérap in modo che tutti i Pokémon siano in ordine del Pokédex Nazionale, {{p|[[Dustox}}]] rimarrebbe nella sua posizione nella canzone. Se non si contassero Mew e Celebi, dato che non sono Pokémon di [[terza generazione]], {{p|[[Treecko}}]] e {{p|[[Linoone}}]] rimarrebbero al loro posto.
* {{p|[[Zigzagoon}}]] e {{p|[[Relicanth}}]] non sono presenti.
* {{p|[[Beldum}}]] viene chiamato Be'''d'''-'''l'''um.
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