Differenze tra le versioni di "Elenco dei capitoli nel nono arco di Pokémon: La Grande Avventura"

==Il nono arco: {{chap|HeartGold & SoulSilver}}==
{| class="roundy text-center white-rows" style="width{{#invoke:auto; text-align:center;css background:| horizGrad #{{colorschemelight| colorscheme = HGSS}}; borderpadding: 3px solid #{{colorschemedark|HGSS}}0.3em;"
! Titolo
! Titolo inglese (VIZ Media)
! Titolo inglese (Shogakukan Asia)
! Titolo giapponese
! Sottotitolo giapponese
! Volume LGA
! Volume Adventures
! 442
! 1
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA442|VS Oddish]]
| style="background:#fff" | Out-Odding Oddish / Pokéathlon Challenge!
| VS {{tt|ナゾノクサ|Oddish}}
| style="background:#fff" | The Pokéathlon Challenge
| {{tt|挑戦 ポケスロン!|Sfida Pokéathlon!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|ナゾノクサ|Oddish}}
| rowspan="19" | '''{{LGAV|19|19}}'''
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|挑戦 ポケスロン!|Challenge, Pokéthlon!}}
| rowspan="7" | '''{{PAV|41|41}}'''<br>{{tt|ジョウト再び!|Di nuovo Johto!}}<br>{{tt|Johto Again|VIZ Media}}
| rowspan="19" style="background:#fff" | '''{{LGAV|19|19}}'''
! 443
! 2
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA443|VS Aipom]]
| style="background:#fff" | Attaway, Aipom! / Arrival of the Elite Four!
| VS {{tt|エイパム|Aipom}}
| style="background:#fff" | Enter the Elite Four
| {{tt|四天王登場!|Appaiono quattro re celesti!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|エイパム|Aipom}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|四天王登場!|The Four Heavenly Kings Appear!}}
! 444
! 3
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA444|VS Togepi]]
| style="background:#fff" | One Tough Togepi / A Top-Secret Order!
| VS {{tt|トゲピー|Togepi}}
| style="background:#fff" | Top Secret Commission
| {{tt|極秘指令!|Direttive top-secret!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|トゲピー|Togepi}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|極秘指令!|Top-Secret Orders!}}
! 445
! 4
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA445|VS Koffing]]
| style="background:#fff" | Dealing With A Koffing Fit / The Sign of a Comeback!
| VS {{tt|ドガース|Koffing}}
| style="background:#fff" | Revival Reacon
| {{tt|復活の狼煙!|Segni di rinascita!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|ドガース|Koffing}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|復活の狼煙!|Beacon of Revival!}}
! 446
! 5
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA446|VS Weavile]]
| style="background:#fff" | Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down / Battle at the Safari Zone!
| VS {{tt|マニューラ|Weavile}}
| style="background:#fff" | Battle at the Safari Zone
| {{tt|サファリゾーンの戦い!|Lotta nella Zona Safari!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|マニューラ|Weavile}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|サファリゾーンの戦い!|Safari Zone Battle!}}
! 447
! 6
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA447|VS Feraligatr]]
| style="background:#fff" | Fortunately for Feraligatr / Scramble for the Plates!
| VS {{tt|オーダイル|Feraligatr}}
| style="background:#fff" | Plate Scramble
| {{tt|プレート争奪戦!|La lotta per le lastre!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|オーダイル|Feraligatr}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|プレート争奪戦!|Struggle for the Plates!}}
! 448
! 7
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA448|VS Parasect]]
| style="background:#fff" | Pleased as Punch With Parasect / The Famous Human Dowsing Machine
| VS {{tt|パラセクト|Parasect}}
| style="background:#fff" | Scramble for the Plates
| {{tt|噂の千里眼!|La notizia della chiaroveggenza!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|パラセクト|Parasect}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|噂の千里眼!|The Rumor of Clairvoyance!}}
! 449
! 8
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA449|VS Rhyperior]]
| style="background:#fff" | Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior / Inheritor of the Land!
| VS {{tt|ドサイドン|Rhyperior}}
| style="background:#fff" | Inheritor of the Earth
| {{tt|大地の継承!|L'eredità della Terra!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|ドサイドン|Rhyperior}}
| rowspan="8" | '''{{PAV|42|42}}'''<br>{{tt|三つ舞台の攻防|Lotta al Mystry Stage!}}<br>{{tt|The Battle of the Mystri Stage|VIZ Media}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|大地の継承!|Inheritor of the Ground!}}
! 450
! 9
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA450|VS Hitmonchan]]
| style="background:#fff" | With a Little Help From Hitmonchan / Gathering of the Four Executives!
| VS {{tt|エビワラー|Hitmonchan}}
| style="background:#fff" | The Four Executives Together
| {{tt|集合4将軍!|I quattro Generali si preparano!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|エビワラー|Hitmonchan}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|集合4将軍!|The Four Generals Assemble!}}
! 451
! 10
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA451|VS Xatu]]
| style="background:#fff" | It Takes Xatu to Tango / Route to the Ruins!
| VS {{tt|ネイティオ|Xatu}}
| style="background:#fff" | Route to the Ruins
| {{tt|遺跡へのルート!|Rotta verso le rovine!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|ネイティオ|Xatu}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|遺跡へのルート!|To the Ruin's Roots!}}
! 452
! 11
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA452|VS Arceus I]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus I / Engravings of communication!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスI|Arceus I}}
| style="background:#fff" | Communication Sign
| {{tt|伝説のサイン!|Il segno leggendario!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスI|Arceus I}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|伝説のサイン!|The Legendary's Sign!}}
! 453
! 12
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA453|VS Arceus II]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus II / Speaking of the Origin!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスII|Arceus II}}
| style="background:#fff" | Narrated Origins
| {{tt|語られる起源!|Le origini vengono raccontate!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスII|Arceus II}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|語られる起源!|The Origins are Told!}}
! 454
! 13
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA454|VS Arceus III]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus III / Entering the Mysterious Area!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスIII|Arceus III}}
| style="background:#fff" | Charging into Strange Territories
| {{tt|突入 謎の領域!|Di corsa nell'area misteriosa!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスIII|Arceus III}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|突入 謎の領域!|Breaking into the Area of Mystery!}}
! 455
! 14
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA455|VS Arceus IV]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus IV / Legendary Type Shift!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスIV|Arceus IV}}
| style="background:#fff" | The Legendary Type Shift
| {{tt|幻のタイプシフト!|Spettrale cambio di tipo!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスIV|Arceus IV}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|幻のタイプシフト!|The Phantom Type-Shift!}}
! 456
! 15
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA456|VS Arceus V]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus V / Mystri Stage of Despair!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスV|Arceus V}}
| style="background:#fff" | Mystri Stage of Despair
| {{tt|絶望の三つ舞台!|Il Mystry Stage della disperazione!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスV|Arceus V}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|絶望の三つ舞台!|Triad Stage of Despair!}}
! 457
! 16
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA457|VS Arceus VI]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus VI / Return from the Crack of Time!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスVI|Arceus VI}}
| style="background:#fff" | Return from the Crack in Time
| {{tt|「はざま」からの帰還!|Ritorno dal vuoto}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスVI|Arceus VI}}
| rowspan="4" | '''{{PAV|43|43}}'''<br>{{tt|幸せ 祝福|Benedizione della felicità}}<br>{{tt|The Blessing of Happiness|VIZ Media}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|「はざま」からの帰還!|Return from the Crack!}}
! 458
! 17
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA458|VS Arceus VII]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus VII / A Ray of Hope!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスVII|Arceus VII}}
| style="background:#fff" | Ray of Hope
| {{tt|いちるの望み!|A Ray of Hope!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスVII|Arceus VII}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|いちるの望み!|A Ray of Hope!}}
! 459
! 18
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA459|VS Arceus VIII]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus VIII / Final Evolution of Hope!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスVIII|Arceus VIII}}
| style="background:#fff" | Final Evolution of Hope
| {{tt|希望の最終進化!|The Final Evolution of Hope!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスVIII|Arceus VIII}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|希望の最終進化!|The Final Evolution of Hope!}}
! 460
! 19
| style="background:#fff" | [[LGA460|VS Arceus IX]]
| style="background:#fff" | All About Arceus IX / A Special Tomorrow!
| VS {{tt|アルセウスIX|Arceus IX}}
| style="background:#fff" | A Special Tomorrow
| {{tt|特別な明日!|A Special Tomorrow!}}
| style="background:#fff" | VS {{tt|アルセウスIX|Arceus IX}}
| style="background:#fff" | {{tt|特別な明日!|A Special Tomorrow!}}
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