Differenze tra le versioni di "UnownBloc"

5 183 byte aggiunti ,  23:13, 23 dic 2010
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[[File:UnownBloc Sprite Zaino.png|right|frame]]
#REDIRECT [[Elenco degli strumenti base nella quarta generazione#UnownBloc]]
L''''UnownBloc''' (Giapponese: '''アンノーンノート''' ''Unknown Notebook''; Inglese: '''Unown Report''') è uno [[Strumento base]] di {{2v2|HeartGold|SoulSilver}}.
L'UnownBloc contiene le informazioni sulle diverse forme di {{p|Unown}} che il giocatore ha catturato ed è l'equivalente dell'[[Unown Dex]] di {{gioco2|Oro|Argento|Cristallo}} dove, invece, era un'espansione del [[Pokédex]]. Viene dato al giocatore da un ricercatore dopo la risoluzione del primo puzzle nelle [[Rovine d'Alfa]].
Catturando più forme diverse di Unown, si contribuirà alle ricerche dei ricercatori, scoprendo la storia degli Unown e delle rovine. Ogni scoperta fatta dai ricercatori verrà annotata nell'UnownBloc. Dopo aver catturato 26 forme diverse di Unown, aver aperto le stanze segrete in ogni camera dei pannelli e completato la Pagina 7 dell'UnownBloc, compariranno due nuove forme di Unown. Catturando anche queste due forme si completerà la ricerca.
===Pagina 1===
[[File:Unown Note First Page.png|thumb|right|180px|The first page of the Unown Report]]
UNOWN Report
(Player's name)
Number of UNOWN
Current Kinds: 28
===Pagina 2===
[[File:Unown Note Listing.png|thumb|right|180px|The second page of the Unown Report, displaying two caught forms of Unown before being sorted]]
{| {{Bluetable}}
===Pagina 3===
{| {{Bluetable}}
===Pagina 4===
Found a strange puzzle in the ruins. Solved it, and suddenly a hole opened up in the ground and I dropped into the room below! Should have known that ancient ruins would have surprising tricks like that.
There was a stone statue where I fell. The place might have been a reception hall. Then, suddenly, the UNOWN appeared. That puzzle was like a key somehow. It woke the UNOWN up from their sleep. These ruins have become difficult.
===Pagina 5===
If you turn on the radio in the ruins, you can receive mysterious radio waves! It's proof that the UNOWN communicate with each other using radio waves!
There are as many UNOWN as there are letters in the alphabet. Right now, we're confirming the existence of 26 kinds of UNOWN. Do you think you can find all 26 of them?
===Pagina 6===
It seems that individually they don't make much sense, but when the various UNOWN are arranged in order, they begin to make sense. In nature, they seem to be scattered around randomly, but the truth is they're arranged in a very specific order.
In this report, the scattered UNOWN were sorted and put into order by the research-center staff. That makes the UNOWN much easier to understand.
===Pagina 7===
Scratched on the floor of the ruins are UNOWN letters. Finding the room feels like a huge discovery! The Researchers were very excited and said they were going to go check it out.
There aren't just 26 different kinds of UNOWN, Two more have been discovered! But that begs the question of where those other two kinds are hiding...
===Pagina 8===
The characters found scratched on the floor in the small room are transcribed here in this report.
We don't know what this could possibly mean yet.
The Researchers were saying they'll need to examine the ruins again, but...?
===Pagina 9===
In the past, it seems that UNOWN lived with relatives of humans in these ruins. In the lower levels of these ruins is a Pokémon statue. We've come to understand that it was those relatives who made that statue.
The UNOWN are very timid creatures, so they don't go outside the ruins. Even if a bunch of people gathered near the ruins, it is said that the ones who wished for UNOWN and humans to again coexist have all left.
[[File:Hale's report.png|thumb|right|180px|[[Professor Oak]] and [[Tracey Sketchit]] looking at [[Spencer Hale|Professor Hale's]] "Unknown" report]]
In [[M03|''Spell of the Unown'']], Professor [[Spencer Hale]] was a Unown researcher who wrote a report on his findings. Unhappy with this, the Unown caused him to disappear. The report contained many grammatical errors, and misspelled "Unown" as "Unknown". This is because it was also written in English in the Japanese version of the movie.
[[Category:Strumenti Base]]
[[Category:Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver]]
[[en:Unown Report]]
