Differenze tra le versioni di "Utente:Ff300/Linkable"

Eh niente, non si può fare. Pagina svuotata
(Forse è meglio usare questa come libreria)
(Eh niente, non si può fare. Pagina svuotata)
Etichetta: Svuotamento
-- Libreria per i moduli learnlist e movelist
local lib = {}
local w = require('Modulo:Wikilib')
local txt = require('Modulo:Wikilib/strings') -- luacheck: no unused
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables') -- luacheck: no unused
local ms = require('Modulo:MiniSprite')
local box = require('Modulo:Box')
local c = mw.loadData('Modulo:Colore/data')
local css = require('Modulo:Css')
local sig = mw.loadData('Modulo:Sigle/data')
local s = mw.loadData('Modulo:Sup/data')
local abbrLib = require('Modulo:Wikilib/sigle')
local links = require('Modulo:Links')
local pokes = mw.loadData('Modulo:Poké/data')
local moves = mw.loadData('Modulo:Move/data')
local pokemoves = mw.loadData('Modulo:PokéMoves/data')
local tmdata = mw.loadData('Modulo:Machines/data')
local forms = require('Modulo:Wikilib/forms')
local multigen = require('Modulo:Wikilib/multigen')
local evolib = require('Modulo:Wikilib/evos')
-- Exported to avoid double require for other modules
lib.pokemoves = pokemoves
-- local trimOnly = {'x v zA'}
-- Wikicode per la cella di un gioco nell'entry level
local gameLevelCell = '| '
-- Wikicode per la cella di un gioco nell'entry tutor
local gameTutorCell = [=[| style="background:#${bg};" | [[${gameLink}|<span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color:#${txtColor};">'''${gameAbbr}'''</span>]]]=]
-- Wikicode per gli entrynull
local entryNull = [[|-
! class="white-bg" style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" colspan="${cs}" | Questo Pokémon non impara nessuna mossa ${ending}.]]
local entryNullEnd = { level = 'aumentando di livello', tm = 'tramite MT',
breed = 'tramite accoppiamento', tutor = "dall'Insegnamosse",
preevo = 'tramite evoluzioni precedenti', event = 'tramite evento' }
-- Contiene i title per le pre-evoluzioni
lib.preevott = {
T = links.tt('*', "Mossa appresa dall'Esperto Mosse"),
E = links.tt('†', "Mossa appresa tramite evento"),
D = links.tt('‡', "Mossa appresa nel Dream World")
-- Games for various kinds of learn, divided by gen
lib.games = {
level = { { "RB", "G" }, { "OA", "C" }, { "RZ", "RFVF", "S" },
{ "DP", "Pt", "HGSS" }, { "NB", "N2B2" }, { "XY", "ROZA" },
{ "SL", "USUL" },
breed = { {}, { "OA", "C" }, { "RZ", "RFVF", "S" },
{ "DP", "Pt", "HGSS" }, { "NB", "N2B2" }, { "XY", "ROZA" },
{ "SL", "USUL" },
tutor = { {}, { "C" }, { "RFVF", "S", "XD" },
{ "DP", "Pt", "HGSS" }, { "NB", "N2B2" }, { "XY", "ROZA" },
{ "SL", "USUL" },
Processa i parametri passati al modulo, effettuando
trim e first_uppercase.
lib.sanitize = function(tab)
return w.trimAndMap(tab, function(str)
if str == 'x v zA' then
-- if table.search(trimOnly, str) then
return str
return string.firstUppercase(str)
Crea le note: il primo parametro sono le note vere e
proprie, i seguenti eventuali altre stringhe da aggiungere.
Se le note sono una sigla, se ne fa il sup; se invece
sono la stringa vuota o un solo carattere, lo si lascia
invariato; negli altri casi le si usano come title.
lib.makeNotes = function(notes, ...)
local pieces = {...}
local firstGame = notes:match('^(%S+)')
if s[firstGame] then
table.insert(pieces, 1, abbrLib.concatAbbrs(notes, s))
elseif notes:len() < 2 then
table.insert(pieces, 1, notes)
table.insert(pieces, 1, links.tt('*', notes))
return table.concat(pieces)
Ritorna un sup con il livello se l'argomento
è valudo, altrimenti la stringa vuota
lib.makeLevel = function(level)
return level and table.concat{'<sup>Lv.', level, '</sup>'} or ''
Manda a capo ogni tot mini sprite, utilizzata
nell'entry per il breed, nella cella dei padri
lib.insertnwlns = function(str, linelength, gen, nobox)
str = str:gsub('<br>', '')
linelength = tonumber(linelength) or 7
gen = gen or ''
local res, newLinesCount = {}, 1
local pattern, op
if str:match('File') then
pattern = '%[%[File:.-MS%.png|.-|link=.-%]%]'
op = function(sprite) return sprite end
pattern = '#(.-)#'
op = function(ndex) return ms.staticLua(ndex, gen) end
table.insert(res, '<div>')
for minisprite in str:gmatch(pattern) do
table.insert(res, op(minisprite))
if (#res - newLinesCount) % linelength == 0 then
table.insert(res, '</div><div>')
newLinesCount = newLinesCount + 1
if nobox then
table.insert(res, '</div>')
table.insert(res, '</div></div>')
if (#res > linelength + 2) then
table.insert(res, 1, string.interp('<div class="roundy-5 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="background: #${bg}; margin: 0.3em 0;">&nbsp;<div class="mw-collapsible-content">', { bg = c.background }))
table.insert(res, '</div>')
table.insert(res, 1, string.interp('<div class="roundy-5" style="background: #${bg}; margin: 0.3em 0;">', { bg = c.background }))
return table.concat(res)
-- Interfaccia per mediaWiki della funzione di cui sopra
lib.newline = function(frame)
return lib.insertnwlns(string.trim(frame.args[1]), frame.args[2])
Given a string encloses it within a modal. textDisplay is the text displayed
inside the element that binds the modal (defaults to '✔')
lib.toModal = function(str, textDisplay)
return table.concat({
'<span class="open-popup-element explain">',
textDisplay or '✔',
'<div class="mfp-hide pull-center max-width-xl-80 roundy white-bg" style="display: table; padding: 0.5em;">',
Creates a modal containing a list of MS from the list of ndex or MS passed.
The first parameter is a string in one of the following formats:
* a list of MS links in Wikicode syntax ([[File:.-MS.png|.-|link=.-]])
* a list of ndexes, each surrounded by a pair of #
The second parameter is the gen for the ms (unused if list is in the first
format, default to the latest), the third is the text displayed inside the
element that binds the modal (default to '✔'), the fourth is the max number of
ms in a single line (default nil, that means no line breaks).
lib.mslistToModal = function(list, gen, textDisplay, linelength)
list = list:gsub('<br>', '')
gen = gen or ''
local res = {}
local pattern, op
if list:match('File') then
pattern = '%[%[File:.-MS%.png|.-|link=.-%]%]'
op = function(sprite) return sprite end
pattern = '#(.-)#'
op = function(ndex) return ms.staticLua(ndex, gen) end
table.insert(res, '<div>')
local mscount = 0
for minisprite in list:gmatch(pattern) do
table.insert(res, op(minisprite))
mscount = mscount + 1
if linelength and mscount % linelength == 0 then
table.insert(res, '</div><div>')
table.insert(res, '</div>')
return lib.toModal(table.concat(res), textDisplay)
Creates a modal containing a list of MS from an array of ndexes.
The second parameter is the gen for the ms (default to the latest), the third
is the text displayed inside the element that binds the modal (default to '✔'),
the fourth is the max number of ms in a single line (default nil, that means no
line breaks).
lib.msarrayToModal = function(array, gen, textDisplay, linelength)
gen = gen or ''
local res = {}
table.insert(res, '<div>')
local mscount = 0
for _, ndex in ipairs(array) do
table.insert(res, ms.staticLua(type(ndex) == "number"
and string.tf(ndex) or ndex, gen))
mscount = mscount + 1
if linelength and mscount % linelength == 0 then
table.insert(res, '</div><div>')
table.insert(res, '</div>')
return lib.toModal(table.concat(res), textDisplay)
-- Funzione che restituisce i cuori per le gare
lib.concathearts = function(n, black)
local N = tonumber(n)
if N == nil or N == 0 then
return tostring(n)
return table.concat{n, ' <span style="color:#', black and '000' or 'FFAAAA',
';">', string.rep('♥', N), '</span>'}
-- Interfaccia per mediaWiki della funzione di cui sopra
lib.hearts = function(frame)
return lib.concathearts(string.trim(frame.args[1]),
string.trim(frame.args[2] or ''):lower() == 'black')
Le celle comuni a tutti gli entry nelle generazioni
precedenti l'introduzione delle categorie danno.
lib.basicentry = function(stab, mossa, notes, tipo, pw, acc, pp)
return string.interp([=[|| style="padding: 0.3em;" | ${stab}[[${mossa}|<span style="color:#000;">${mossa}</span>]]${stab}${notes}
| style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex; height: 100%;" | ${tipo}
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${pw}
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${acc}%
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${pp}]=],
mossa = mossa,
stab = stab,
notes = notes,
tipo = box.boxTipoLua(tipo, {'thick'}),
pw = pw,
acc = acc,
pp = pp
Le celle comuni a tutti gli entry nelle generazioni
successive l'introduzione delle categorie danno.
lib.categoryentry = function(stab, mossa, notes, tipo, cat, pw, acc, pp)
return string.interp([=[|| class="black-text" style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${stab}[[${mossa}]]${stab}${notes}
| class="height-100" style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex;" | ${tipo}
| class="height-100" style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex;" | ${cat}
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${pw}
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${acc}%
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${pp}]=],
mossa = mossa,
stab = stab,
notes = notes,
tipo = box.boxTipoLua(tipo, {'thick'}),
cat = box.boxLua(cat, 'Categoria danno#' .. cat, cat, {'thick'},
nil, nil, c[cat .. '_text']),
pw = pw,
acc = acc,
pp = pp
Ritorna soltanto le celle relative alle gare, vale
a dire virtù, fascino e, se passato, intralcio
lib.contestentry = function(gara, fash, intr)
return string.interp([=[|| style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex; height: 100%;" | ${gara}
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${fash}${intr}]=],
gara = box.boxLua(gara, gara .. ' (gara)', gara, {'thick'}),
fash = lib.concathearts(fash, false),
intr = intr and table.concat{' || style="padding: 0.3em;" | ', lib.concathearts(intr, true)} or ''
Restituisce le prime celle dei level, in numero
pari ai livelli diversi inseriti.
lib.gameslevel = function(first, second, third)
if not third then
--Only one of them
if not second then
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' | ',
elseif first == second then -- Only two of them
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' colspan = "2" | ',
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' | ', first, ' |',
gameLevelCell, ' | ', second}
-- All three are the same
if first == second and second == third then
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' colspan = "3" | ',
-- First and second are the same but third is different
elseif first == second then
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' colspan = "2" | ',
first, ' |', gameLevelCell, ' | ', third}
-- First and third are the same, but second is different
elseif first == third then
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' colspan = "2" | ',
first, ' |', gameLevelCell, ' | ', second}
-- Second and third are the same, but first is different
elseif second == third then
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' | ', first, ' |',
gameLevelCell, ' colspan = "2" | ', second}
-- All of them are different
return table.concat{gameLevelCell, ' | ', first, ' |',
gameLevelCell, ' | ', second, ' |',
gameLevelCell, ' | ', third}
Restituisce l'inizio dell'entry delle mosse tutor, comprensivo
delle celle dei giochi: si aspetta una table di tables, che
contengono a loro volta, nell'ordine, sigla del gioco e
'Yes' o 'No' a seconda che la mossa possa essere insegnata
nel gioco o meno. La sigla visualizzata e i colori vengono presi
da Sigle/data Es:
tutorgames{{'NB', 'No'}, {'N2B2', 'Yes'}}
Non si possono usare indici stringa per le sottotables per
questioni di ordinamento, mentre all'interno delle stesse
allungherebbe soltanto la chiamata
lib.tutorgames = function(games)
local cells = table.map(games, function(game)
Uso del Modulo:Sigle/data per ricavare il
colore del gioco dalla sigla
local gameData = sig[game[1]][1]
local cell = {'| style="padding: 0.8ex 0.5ex;" |'}
if game[2] == 'Yes' then
if gameData.display[2] then
table.insert(cell, string.interp([=[
<div class="text-center roundy-5" style="${bg}; padding: 0 0.5ex; margin-bottom: 0.2ex;">[[${gamesLink}|<span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #fff;">'''${game1sig}'''</span><span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #fff;">'''${game2sig}'''</span>]]</div>]=],
bg = css.horizGradLua{gameData.display[1][2], 'dark', gameData.display[2][2], 'dark'},
gamesLink = gameData.link,
game1sig = gameData.display[1][1],
game2sig = gameData.display[2][1],
table.insert(cell, string.interp([=[
<div class="text-center roundy-5" style="${bg}; padding: 0 0.5ex; margin-bottom: 0.2ex;">[[${gamesLink}|<span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #fff;">'''${gamesig}'''</span>]]</div>]=],
bg = css.horizGradLua{gameData.display[1][2], 'dark', gameData.display[1][2], 'normale'},
gamesLink = gameData.link,
gamesig = gameData.display[1][1],
if gameData.display[2] then
table.insert(cell, string.interp([=[
[[${gamesLink}|<span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #${game1color};">'''${game1sig}'''</span><span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #${game2color};">'''${game2sig}'''</span>]]]=],
gamesLink = gameData.link,
game1sig = gameData.display[1][1],
game2sig = gameData.display[2][1],
game1color = c[gameData.display[1][2]].dark,
game2color = c[gameData.display[2][2]].dark,
table.insert(cell, string.interp([=[
[[${gamesLink}|<span style="padding: 0.3em 0; color: #${gamecolor};">'''${gamesig}'''</span>]]]=],
gamesLink = gameData.link,
gamesig = gameData.display[1][1],
gamecolor = c[gameData.display[1][2]].dark,
return table.concat(cell)
-- Inizio dell'entry, bisogna inserire una nuova table row
table.insert(cells, 1, '|-')
return table.concat(cells, '\n')
-- Genera le prime celle per gli entry dei preevo
lib.preevodata = function(pars, gen)
local ani1, tt1 = '', ''
if pars[4] then
ani1 = ms.staticLua(pars[4], gen or '', pars[5] or 'Bulbasaur')
tt1 = lib.preevott[pars[6]] or ''
return string.interp([=[|-
| style="padding: 0.1em 0.3em;" | ${ani}${tt}${ani1}${tt1}]=],
ani = ms.staticLua(pars[1] or '000', gen or '', pars[2] or 'Bulbasaur'),
tt = lib.preevott[pars[3]] or '',
ani1 = ani1,
tt1 = tt1
-- La cella dell'entry null, utilizzata per i Pokémon che non imparano
-- mosse in un certo modo
lib.entrynull = function(entry, cs)
return string.interp(entryNull, {
ending = entryNullEnd[entry],
cs = cs
Computes the STAB value given the ndex and move name. If ndex or movename
doesn't matches an entry of the respective module, an empty string is returned.
- ndex: either the ndex or the Pokémon's name, all but the abbr lowercase
- movename: name of the move to compute the STAB against
- form (optional): abbr or extended form name
- gen (optional): the generation in which compute the STAB. Defaults to the
lib.computeSTAB = function(ndex, movename, form, gen)
local name, abbr = forms.getnameabbr(tostring(ndex), form)
local iname = forms.toEmptyAbbr(abbr) == "" and name
or (type(name) == 'number' and string.tf(name) or name)
.. forms.toEmptyAbbr(abbr)
-- The or pokes[name] is needed for useless forms, not indexed in Poké-data
local pokedata = multigen.getGen(pokes[iname] or pokes[name], gen)
local movedata = moves[movename:lower()]
local movetype = multigen.getGenValue(movedata.type, gen)
if not pokedata or not movedata
or (multigen.getGenValue(movedata.power, gen) == '&mdash;'
and not multigen.getGenValue(movedata.stab, gen)) then
return ""
elseif (movetype == pokedata.type1 or movetype == pokedata.type2) then
return "'''"
elseif table.search(evolib.evoTypesList(iname, gen), movetype)
or table.search(evolib.formTypesList(iname, gen), movetype) then
return "''"
return ""
Given the table for a learnlist breed of a Pokémon in a gen and a game, return
the list of parents for that game.
- movedata: table associated with the move in PokéMoves[poke].breed
- game: the abbr of the game
lib.moveParentsGame = function(movedata, game)
for _, v in ipairs(movedata) do
if v.games and table.search(v.games, game) then
return v
return movedata[1]
Given something, compute breed notes, ie. "breed chain", "the parent should
have learned the move in a previous gen" or "no parent can learn the move".
- gen: the generation of this entry
- move: the name of the move
- parent: any parent listed in the data module
- basenotes (optional): notes from the data module
(ie. pokemoves[poke][kind][gen][move].notes)
lib.breednotes = function(gen, move, parent, basenotes)
local notes = { basenotes }
-- To compute notes it checks only one parent because they should all be
-- the same for this. Otherwise the different one would be the only one
-- (for instance: parents that need a chain aren't listed if there are
-- some that doesn't)
if parent and not lib.canLearn(move, parent, gen, {"breed"}) then
if lib.learnKind(move, parent, gen, "breed") then
-- Parent can learn by breed but not in any other way: chain
table.insert(notes, 1, "catena di accoppiamenti")
-- In theory this second check is useless because a parent wouldn't
-- be listed if it doesn't learn the move, so if it doesn't in this
-- gen it should in a past one
-- elseif lib.learnPreviousGen(move, parent1, gen) then
table.insert(notes, 1, "il padre deve aver imparato la mossa in una generazione precedente")
elseif not parent then
table.insert(notes, 1, "nessun genitore può apprendere la mossa")
return table.concat(notes, ", ")
-- ========================== Check learn functions ==========================
Given a move, an ndex, a gen and a kind check whether that Pokémon can learn
that move in that generation in that kind. Return a true value if it can, a
false otherwise.
- move: name of the move
- ndex: name or ndex of the Pokémon
- gen: generation (a string)
- kind: kind of learnlist ("level", "tm", ...)
lib.learnKind = function(move, ndex, gen, kind)
local pmkind = pokemoves[ndex][kind]
if not pmkind or not pmkind[gen] then
return false
local mdata = pmkind[gen]
if kind == "tm" then
local mlist = mdata.all and tmdata[gen] or mdata
-- Extra parentheses to force a single return value
return (table.deepSearch(mlist, move))
return mdata[move]
Given a move and an ndex check whether that Pokémon can learn the given move
in a given generation. Return a true value if it can, a false otherwise. It is
also possible to give an array of kind that aren't considered when determining
whether it can learn the move or not.
- move: name of the move
- ndex: name or ndex of the Pokémon
- gen: generation
- excludekinds: (optional) array of kinds to exclude
lib.canLearn = function(move, ndex, gen, excludekinds)
excludekinds = excludekinds or {}
return table.any(pokemoves[ndex], function(_, kind)
if table.search(excludekinds, kind) then
return false
return lib.learnKind(move, ndex, gen, kind)
Check whether a a Pokémon can learn a move in a generation previous than the
given one. If it can't returns false, otherwise the highest generation in which
it can learn it.
- move: name of the move
- ndex: name or ndex of the Pokémon
- gen: the gen considered: the function controls any generation strictly
lower than this.
- firstgen: (optional) the lowest gen to check. Defaults to 1
lib.learnPreviousGen = function(move, ndex, gen, firstgen)
for g = gen - 1, firstgen or 1, -1 do
if table.any(pokemoves[ndex], function(_, kind)
return lib.learnKind(move, ndex, g, kind)
end) then
return g
return false
Computes the list of moves that a Pokémon can learn in any way, possibly
excluding breed.
- ndex: name or ndex of the Pokémon
- gen: generation to compute the list for
- excludekinds: (optional) an array of kinds to esclude from the list. For
instance, if this argument is { "breed" } moves that the
Pokémon can only learn by breed aren't included.
Return an array of move names.
lib.learnset = function(ndex, gen, excludekinds)
local movedata = pokemoves[ndex]
excludekinds = excludekinds or {}
local res = {}
if movedata.tm[gen] and not table.search(excludekinds, "tm") then
res = table.copy(movedata.tm[gen])
table.insert(excludekinds, "tm")
for kind, data in pairs(movedata) do
if not table.search(excludekinds, kind) and data[gen] then
res = table.merge(res, table.keys(data[gen]))
return table.unique(res)
return lib