Differenze tra le versioni di "Modulo:Wikilib/forms"

Adding automatic learnlist module *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***
(Fixing problem with uppercase letters, adding multigen to Rotom's types *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
(Adding automatic learnlist module *** sovrascritto il testo esistente ***)
form = formName
Given the name or ndex of an useless form maps it to the base form's name or
ndex. On other names and ndexes is the identity.
f.uselessToEmpty = function(name)
local useless = mw.loadData('Modulo:UselessForms/data')
local basename, abbr = f.getnameabbr(name)
if useless[basename] and useless[basename].names[abbr] then
return basename
return name
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