Differenze tra le versioni di "LGA300"

Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  16:04, 15 giu 2019
Sostituzione testo - "{{adv|Deoxys" con "{{LGA|Deoxys"
m (Sostituzione testo - "=Debutti Pokémon=" con "=Pokémon=")
m (Sostituzione testo - "{{adv|Deoxys" con "{{LGA|Deoxys")
{{Trama incompleta}}
<!--{{LGA|Giovanni}} finds himself alone in a completely pitch-black room. He quickly realizes that this is the black hole created by {{advLGA|Deoxys|Organism No. 2}}, who created it to get Giovanni and {{LGA|Argento}} to safety. He begins looking for Silver, who he finds being held by his {{TP|Silver|Sneasel}}. Giovanni tells the unconscious Silver that if Organism No. 2 created the black hole, it must lead to an exit.
They exit the black hole, only to land on a piece of the [[Team Rocket airship]] surrounded by flames. Giovanni lands on the piece, and struggles to keep Silver from falling into the flames as well. He notes that if the flames weren't there, he would be holding Silver in his embrace. Giovanni notices that Silver's face is dirty, which reminds him of when he would wipe his dirty face when Silver was a child. When Sneasel takes a handkerchief and uses it to wipe Silver's face, Giovanni notes that it was the same one he gave to him as a child.
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