Differenze tra le versioni di "LGA177"

20 byte rimossi ,  12:03, 25 mag 2019
Sostituzione testo - "{{OBP|Rosso|La Grande Avventura}}" con "{{LGA|Rosso}}"
m (Sostituzione testo - "Gold, Silver & Crystal" con "Oro, Argento & Cristallo")
m (Sostituzione testo - "{{OBP|Rosso|La Grande Avventura}}" con "{{LGA|Rosso}}")
{{Trama incompleta}}
<!--{{LGA|Blu}} notices {{OBPLGA|Rosso|La Grande Avventura}} and {{LGA|Verde}} below her, and orders {{adv|Articuno}} and {{adv|Zapdos}} to pick them up. With Red on Articuno and Blue on Zapdos, a combined blast from the {{adv|Legendary birds}} is launched towards {{DL|Tower duo (Adventures)|Ho-Oh}}, whose [[Sacred Fire]] struggles to contain it. {{DL|Tower duo (Adventures)|Lugia}} delivers an [[Aeroblast]] to combine with Ho-Oh's Sacred Fire and fend off the Legendary birds' attacks. Green almost falls off [[Moltres]], and Ho-Oh intercepts Red and Blue's attempt to help her.
Red and Blue eventually realize the significance of the [[Ilex Forest shrine|shrine]] they resurfaced next to. [[Karen]] then jumps onto Moltres to face Green. She sends her [[Umbreon]] out to once again face Green's [[Snubbull]]. Umbreon, charged with [[Moonlight]], knocks Green and her Snubbull off Moltres. Meanwhile on Lugia, [[Will]] orders a [[Peck]] from his [[Xatu]] towards {{LGA|Argento}}, but his {{TP|Silver|Sneasel}} blocks the attack with its claws. Will taunts Silver over the latter's time in the outside world; Silver retorts saying that life under the [[Maschera di Ghiaccio]] will forever haunt him. Will, however, claims that he and Karen willingly became the [[Maschera di Ghiaccio]]'s accomplices. Knowing this as a direct contradiction to his belief that his former colleagues were also kidnapped, Silver no longer holds back. He pushes Will and Xatu off Lugia.
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