Differenze tra le versioni di "DP132"

3 byte rimossi ,  06:51, 24 gen 2019
Bot: Fixing spelling
m (Bot: ripristinata la versione 596602 di Mellabot del 2018-06-21T00:58:41Z)
m (Bot: Fixing spelling)
<!--{{Ash}} and [[Paul]] are still in the middle of their [[Full Battle]], both sides down one [[Pokémon]]. [[Ash's Pikachu]] faces off against Paul's powerful {{TP|Paul|Magmortar}}. Ash warns Pikachu not to let its guard down. {{an|Dawn}}, who is on the sidelines with {{an|Brock}}, [[Reggie]] and her {{TP|Dawn|Piplup}} (as well as [[Jessie]], [[James]] and {{MTR}} in disguise manning the scoreboard), looks up Magmortar in her [[Pokédex]]. Dawn wonders why Paul did not counter with a {{type|Ground}} Pokémon, but Brock suggests that it wouldn't have mattered because Ash could simply switch with {{AP|Buizel}} at any time. Reggie adds that Paul is not only thinking about type, and as the battle continues they would find out why Magmortar's up.
Ash orders Pikachu to use [[Quick Attack]], which successfully connects and knocks Magmortar backwards, but Magmortar quickly recovers. Worsening matters, once Pikachu lands, he is immediately hurt by fire that surrounds his body. Dawn wonders how Pikachu was hurt when Magmortar did not do a thing, and Brock explains that Magmortar has the [[Flame Body]] [[Ability]], which has a chance of {{status|burning}} an opponent if it makes [[Physical move|physical contact]], as a result of Pikachu's Quick Attack. Paul smiles, and Ash asks Pikachu if he wants to continue, and Pikachu, desperate to help defeat Paul, agrees. Ash thanks Pikachu and commands a [[Thunderbolt]], and Paul responds by ordering a [[Flamethrower]]. Magmortar fires Flamethrower from its massive bazooka-like arms and it connects with Thunderbolt, causing a massive explosion. Ash then has Pikachu use [[Volt Tackle]], and Pikachu powers up and heads straight towards Magmortar. Paul commands Magmortar to use [[Rock Tomb]], and Magmortar starts to fire purple energy which turns into rocks when they hit the ground. Pikachu, forced to run straight due to the Volt Tackle, smashes head-first into the rocks which causes Volt Tackle to fail and throws Pikachu back, where he continues to suffer from his burn. Paul then commands Magmortar to use [[Smog]] and Magmortar releasing a poisonous cloud which heads straight towards Pikachu. Ash commands Pikachu to use the [[Counter Shield]] technique which they developed for the [[Gym]] {{pkmn|battle}} against [[Fantina]], and Pikachu rolls on his back while releasing electricity, successfully countering the Smog, to which Paul is shocked and {{TRT}} amazed. Reggie is impressed by the move and Brock explains that Ash developed it as a means to both attack and defend at the same time. Pikachu is then hurt by his burn again. Reggie knows that this is bad and that the longer that Pikachu carries on the greater the disadvantage for him. Paul orders Magmortar to use Flamethrower. Ash tells Pikachu to jump and use [[Iron Tail]] from above. Pikachu jumps out of the Flamethrower's path and successfully strikes Magmortar across the head with Iron Tail, but Magmortar takes the hit and Pikachu takes more burn damage. Ash then recalls Pikachu for some rest after battling so hard.
Ash decides to use [[Damage modification|type-advantage]] against Magmortar and sends out Buizel who is ready to battle. Ash starts by ordering an [[Aqua Jet]] and Buizel speeds towards Magmortar and hits it directly on the chest, sending Magmortar reeling back, but despite the super-effective hit is still able to carry on. Ash then follows up with [[Water Pulse]] and Buizel sends a wave of water towards his opponent, however Paul orders another Rock Tomb, and Magmortar creates a shield of rocks which protects itself from the Water Pulse. However, Ash knows that it will stand no chance against a {{type|Water}}-type attack and orders Aqua Jet. Buizel smashes through the rocks, only to find Magmortar gone. Ash and Buizel don't know where Magmortar is, and Buizel looks up to see a now aerial Magmortar release another Smog, which hits Buizel and {{status|poison}}s the Pokémon, causing Buizel to reel in pain. Brock realizes that Rock Tomb was used to keep Buizel from seeing what Magmortar was up to. As Buizel tries to recover from his damage, Magmortar lands and Paul recalls it.
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