Differenze tra le versioni di "Percorso 12 (Kanto)"

Sostituzione testo - "PS012" con "LGA012"
m (Sostituzione testo - "{{chap|Red, Green & Blue}}" con "{{chap|Rosso, Blu & Verde}}")
m (Sostituzione testo - "PS012" con "LGA012")
==Nel manga==
<!--===Pokémon Adventures===
Route 12 debuted in ''[[PS012LGA012|Wake Up-You're Snorlax!]]'' in the {{chap|Rosso, Blu & Verde}}, where a bike race was taking place, but a [[Snorlax]] was blocking the road, a male [[Swimmer]] and a [[Bug Catcher]] wanted to get past. A Solution was later made by {{LGA|Rosso}} by using the [[honey]] that had fallen from [[Beedrill]]'s hive onto [[Saur|Bulbasaur's]] head as bait to get the Snorlax to budge which later worked and won Red the race. -->
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