Differenze tra le versioni di "Discussioni utente:Gkx"

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Now, what we need is a color for your logo. Blue's already taken... so... that's an issue. Maybe have it be wine red to match the forums header? [[Utente:TTEchidna|TTEchidna]] 23:25, 19 ago 2010 (CEST)
:Hey, thank you! A while ago we did a little [http://area51.pokemoncentral.it/EncyclopaediaePokemonis.htm mockup] of the front page of EP with our Wiki added in. It's a darker shade of blue, and I think it's distinguishable enough from the other blue -- perhaps we can darken it further. The wine red is reserved for the forums, but if nothing else works we can use it instead.
:Feel free to contact me for any other kind of issues! --[[Utente:Gkx|g.]] 00:52, 20 ago 2010 (CEST)