Differenze tra le versioni di "LGA130"

Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  20:29, 20 lug 2018
Sostituzione testo - "Monlee" con "Hitmon"
m (Sostituzione testo - "Natee" con "Tutu")
m (Sostituzione testo - "Monlee" con "Hitmon")
<!--Crystal tries the door of the [[Burned Tower]], only to discover that it is locked. She decides to try entering from above and flies up onto the top with {{DL|Crystal (Adventures)|Tutu}} and [[Eusine]]'s [[Electrode]]. She looks at the ruins of most of [[Ecruteak City]]. Suddenly, Crystal has a sense that [[Suicune]] is at the top of the [[Bell Tower|Tin Tower]].
She flies upwards and sees Suicune standing on one of the top floors of the Tin Tower. She tells the [[legendary Pokémon]] that she has been searching for it, but whenever she had thought that she had found it, it was not the real Suicune. This time, she says, she knows it is the real one. Then she prepares to {{pkmn|battle}} it, sending out all of her Pokémon. [[Cuby]] uses [[Bonemerang]], which is dodged by Suicune, but Crystal says that this is part of her plan. The Bonemerang reverses direction, surprising Suicune, although it is dodged again. {{DL|Crystal (Adventures)|Pary}} uses [[Spore]]. Suicune uses [[Gust]] to blow away the spores, but it still has some on it. Suicune jumps off the tower towards a pond, but {{DL|Crystal (Adventures)|MonleeHitmon}} jumps and falls past Suicune, using [[Mega Punch]] on the ground, which fractures, throwing Suicune into the air and battering it with boulders. Crystal kicks a {{Ball|Heavy}} at Suicune, hitting it.-->
==Eventi principali==
* [[Parasect]] (Pary; di {{LGA|Cristallo}})
* [[Cubone]] ([[Cuby]]; di {{LGA|Cristallo}})
* [[Hitmonchan]] ([[MonleeHitmon]]/{{tt|Hitmonee|Chuang Yi}}; di {{LGA|Cristallo}})
* [[Natu]] (Tutu; di {{LGA|Cristallo}})
* [[Chikorita]] ([[Ercolita]]/{{tt|Mega|Chuang Yi}}; di {{LGA|Cristallo}})
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