Differenze tra le versioni di "Samina"

7 919 byte aggiunti ,  22:57, 19 lug 2018
m (Bot: Aggiungo es:Samina; modifico fr:Elsa-Mina (jeux vidéo))
[[File:Samina anime.png|thumb|250px|Samina nell'anime]]
Samina compareè un personaggio ricorrente nella serie ''Sole & Luna'' ed è comparso per la prima volta in una fotografia in ''[[SM008|Qui sfida ci cova!]]'' con i suoi figli {{an|Lylia}} ed [[Iridio]]. La stessa fotografia compare nuovamente in ''[[SM027|Una rivalità lampante!]]''.
Ha fatto il suo debutto fisico in ''[[SM044|Un incontro tra sogno e realtà!]]'', nel quale sta studiando l'[[Altare Solare]] insieme alla [[Professoressa Magnolia]], a [[Ciceria]] e a [[Vicio]] in cerca di tracce di Ultra Aura. Durante l'indagine, ha rivelato che, fin dall'infanzia, il suo sogno era stato quello di incontrare una delle [[Ultracreature]] presenti nelle storie di suo padre. <!--The four later followed a second reading to [[Melemele Island]], tracing its source to [[Nebulino]], un {{p|Cosmog}} che è stato scoperto da {{Ash}}; she also enthusiastically reunited with Lylia, che era frustrata dall'atteggiamento da babysitter di sua madre. Inizialmente Samina suggerisce di lasciare Nebulino alla Fondazione Æther quando Ash parla del suo sogno avuto la notte precedente su {{p|Solgaleo}} e {{p|Lunala}}. Tuttavia, alla fine ha accettato di affidare il Pokémon ad Ash dopo aver sentito dei suoi successi ottenuti ad [[Alola]].
Fa il suo debutto fisico in ''[[SM044|Un incontro tra sogno e realtà!]]'', dove si riunisce con Lylia. È felice di vedere che sua figlia stia bene, ed è particolarmente contenta di vedere che finalmente può toccare i Pokémon senza paura.
In ''[[SM046|Le apparenze ingannano!]]'', Samina invita Lylia e i {{ashcl|suoi compagni di classe}} alla [[Fondazione Æther]] per un tour della struttura, sperando principalmente di imparare tutto sull'esperienza di Lylia alla [[Scuola di Pokémon]]. Because of her busy schedule, however, she was unable to fulfill her promise to lead the tour. She later rushed to check on Lillie when she heard her daughter was involved in chasing down an escaped {{p|Ditto}} before quickly returning to her work.
Appare anche in ''[[SM046|Le apparenze ingannano!]]''.
Lusamine appeared again in ''[[SM048|Night of a Thousand Poses!]]'', where she arranged for Lillie's butler [[Hobbes]] to record her daughter's daily life on video for her, which upset Lillie. When Lusamine casually interrupted their conversation to take a business call, Lillie snapped at her mother for her apparent lack of concern for her family. Professor Burnet later assured Lillie that Lusamine truly cared for her children, as she kept numerous pictures of them in her office.
In ''[[SM049|Mission: Total Recall!]]'', Lusamine was confronted by Gladion over the whereabouts of his {{p|Type: Null}}, Silvally, after it had been stolen by Faba. Lusamine, completely unaware about the entire situation, helped Gladion search for Type: Null in Faba's research room. As they searched, Gladion chastised his mother for failing to notice the childhood trauma Lillie suffered from an Ultra Beast, which Lusamine had ironically ignored in favor of studying the very same creatures. After finding Type: Null's Poké Ball, Lusamine and Gladion headed outside, where they found Faba attacking Lillie and Ash. In order to save Lillie, Type: Null {{p|Silvally|evolved}} and defeated Faba's Pokémon. With her daughter freed, Lusamine tearfully apologized to Lillie for her ignorance, and was overjoyed when Lillie's experience finally allowed her to overcome her fear.
[[File:Samina e Nihilego fusi nell'anime.png|thumb|250px|left|Samina fusa con Nihilego]]
In ''[[SM050|Faba's Revenge!]]'', Lusamine issued a search for Faba after he had gone missing after his attack on Lillie. She, Lillie, Gladion, and Ash eventually found him as he kidnapped Nebby and forced it to summon a Nihlego from an Ultra Wormhole to fulfill Lusamine's lifelong dream. Although she was enamored by the Ultra Beast at first, Lusamine quickly ignored it when she realized that her children were in danger. The group tried to fight off Nihilego, but it proved to be too powerful and easily defeated their Pokémon. When Gladion tried to protect his family from the Ultra Beast, Lusamine pushed him out of the way and was captured by it instead. Nihilego then proceeded to carry Lusamine into the Ultra Wormhole.
In ''[[SM053|Rescuing the Unwilling!]]'', Ash, his classmates, and Gladion traveled to [[Ultra Deep Sea]] to rescue Lusamine with the help of Nebby, now evolved into a {{p|Solgaleo}}. Lusamine, having fused with Nihilego and been reduced to a childlike state, claimed the Ultra Beasts as her own possessions and fled in order to prevent the group from taking them away. As the group chased Lusamine down, more and more of their members were forced to stay behind in order to fight off Lusamine's Pokémon. Lillie successfully returned Lusamine to her senses in [[SM054|the following episode]], and she was freed from Nihilego's grasp with the power of Ash and {{AP|Pikachu}}'s newly created {{m|10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt}}.
In ''[[SM055|The Professors' New Adventure!]]'', Lusamine attended the wedding of [[Professor Kukui]] and [[Professor Burnet]] alongside Wicke and a demoted Faba. During the post-nuptials, Lusamine asked Ash, Lillie, and their classmates to join the [[Ultra Guardians]], a task force dedicated to dealing with any upcoming Ultra Beast incidents, which they accepted.
She appeared again in ''[[SM061|A Mission of Ultra Urgency!]]'', where she, Wicke, and Professor Burnet briefed Ash and his classmates on their first mission as Ultra Guardians. She later released the subject of that mission, a {{p|Buzzwole}}, back through an Ultra Wormhole.
Lusamine appeared again in ''[[SM067|Love at First Twirl!]]'', where she, Wicke, and Professor Burnet contacted Ash and his classmates about the new Pokémon they had just encountered. They confirmed it was an Ultra Beast and chose to name it {{p|Poipole}}. Since the location of the Ultra Wormhole it had appeared from was unknown, Lusamine instructed Ash to catch {{AP|Poipole}} and take care of it until it could be returned to its home world.
Lusamine appeared again in [[SM069]], where she, Wicke, and Professor Burnet alerted Ash and his classmates to {{p|Celesteela}} and was surprised to learn they had already seen it. She later watched, via video, as the group allowed it to fly [[Ultra Crater|back home]].
Riappare in [[SM078]], dove informa gli Ultra Guardiani su [[Blacephalon]] ed in seguito su [[Xurkitree]]. In seguito è stata vista alla fine dell'episodio, quando gli Ultra Guardiani hanno inviato entrambi le Ultracreature nell'Ultraspazio.
She reappeared in the [[Poké Problem]] segment of [[SM079]], watching a {{p|Minior}} shower.
Unlike her game counterpart, Lusamine in the anime is a genuine Pokémon preservationist and a loving mother to both Lillie and Gladion. She has a particular affection for Lillie, often playfully teasing her and treating her like a baby, which greatly embarrasses her daughter. Because she is easily distracted with her work, Lusamine tends to make decisions without considering Lillie's feelings, causing a strain in their relationship. For instance, she once evolved her {{p|Clefairy}} into {{p|Clefable}} against Lillie's wishes, disregarding her daughter's argument that its unevolved form was cuter. Lusamine became deeply ashamed of herself after realizing just how much she had been neglecting her children, especially her failure to notice the trauma that caused Lillie's fear of Pokémon four years earlier, believing she had failed as a mother. Once made aware of the danger her children are in, she proves herself to be fiercely protective of them, evidenced by her decision to sacrifice herself to Nihilego for their safety and expressing no fear as she was taken away, only relief that her children were safe. After Lillie rescued her from Nihilego, Lusamine started to treat Lillie more like an adult, improving their relationship dramatically.
Lusamine's strong obsession with Ultra Beasts has also appeared to override her sense of reason, causing her to momentarily marvel at the Nihilego summoned by Faba in spite of the danger it posed to her and her family. While temporarily fused with Nihilego, Lusamine's obsession was amplified to the point where she regressed to the mindset of a spoiled child. In this state, she referred to the Ultra Beasts as her belongings, and reacted violently to those she assumed were trying to take them away from her. However, she was able to regain herself through her strong force of will upon hearing Lillie call out to her. Following her rescue, Lusamine takes a far more constructive approach to interacting with Ultra Beasts, organizing the Ultra Guardians to help return lost Ultra Beasts to their habitats.-->
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