Differenze tra le versioni di "Regione"

1 490 byte aggiunti ,  18:55, 29 giu 2013
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m (r2.7.3) (Bot: Aggiungo fr:Région, zh:地方)
[[File:RegionsMoviesMap.jpg|thumb|right|350px|Una mappa delle regioni di Kanto, Johto, Hoenn e Sinnoh, e dell'Arcipelago Orange e del Settipelago]]
Una '''regione''' è un'area organizzata del [[Mondo dei Pokémon]]. Ci sono almeno sedici regioni, apparse nei vari canoni Pokémon.
Anche se esistono molte somiglianze tra di loro, ci sono alcune grandi differenze tra le regioni, come i Pokémon in esse presenti e quali leggende aspettano di essere svelate. I visitatori delle altre regioni si accorgono in fretta che la regione che stanno visitando è distante dalla propria casa, sia per il clima che per la cultura delle persone residenti.
In {{3v2|Diamante|Perla|Platino}}, il [[Professor Oak]] spiega che [[Sinnoh]], [[Kanto]] e [[Hoenn]] (e probabilmente [[Johto]] e altre) fanno parte di un [[Pokémon nation|paese]] più esteso, il cui nome non è stato ancora rivelato. Questo concetto è simile a quello delle {{wp|regioni del Giappone}}, su cui il Mondo dei Pokémon è stato basato, e da cui la regione di {{wp|Kanto}} prende il suo nome. La regione della quinta generazione, Unima, è conosciuta per essere molto lontana da Kanto e Johto, ed
è raggiungibile solo via nave.
File:SeviiIslands.jpg|Settipelago in {{2v2|Rosso Fuoco|Verde Foglia}}
File:HGSS_Kanto.jpg|Kanto in {{2v2|Oro HeartGold|Argento SoulSilver}}
File:HGSS_Johto.jpg|Johto in {{2v2|Oro HeartGold e |Argento SoulSilver}}
File:SMappaHoennSmappaHoenn.png|Hoenn in [[Pokémon Smeraldo|Smeraldo]]
File:PtSinnohPt Sinnoh.jpgpng|Sinnoh in [[Pokémon Platino|Platino]]
File:Unima ghiacciata.png|Unima in [[Pokémon Nero 2 e Bianco 2|Nero 2 e Bianco 2]]
File:Kalos.png|Kalos in [[Pokémon X e Y]]
==In the side series==
The region of the [[Generation III]] side series games, [[Pokémon Colosseum]] and [[Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness]], [[Orre]] has similar characteristics to the main series regions but lacks some basic main series features. There are mostly [[Pokémon Trainer]]s inhabiting the region. There are very few [[List of cities and towns by name|settlements]] and no [[Routes|routes]]. There is no official [[Pokémon League]], but rather a variety of facilities which offer consecutive battles. There is a regional professor, [[Professor Krane]] and regional villains, [[Cipher]] and [[Team Snagem]]. [[Wild Pokémon]] only appear in rare areas called [[Poké Spots]].
File:Auros.png|[[Auros]] in [[Pokémon XDrkness]]
==In sidespin off games==
The regions in thespin sideoff seriesgames differ dramatically from the regions in the main series such as Johto and Sinnoh. Regions like [[Fiore]], [[Almia]] and [[AlmiaOblivia]] are much smaller and have different cultures. They prefer Pokémon as pets instead of tools for battling. [[Pokémon Trainer]]s are not present in the regions. Pokémon are not kept inside [[Poké Ball]]s and wild Pokémon can be seen wandering cities as well as routes. Pokémon Rangers act as authority, helping Pokémon and people in need. There are no individual gymsGyms, an Elite Four or a Champion. However, Rangers can take the Capture Challenge to test their skills. Despite their peaceful natures, there is however,are [[villainous teams]] that operate within both regions that capture and use Pokémon to further their goals of world domination. [[Team Dim Sun|One such villainous team]] has been knowknown to brainwash Pokémon using their [[Gigaremo units|advanced technology]], causing them to lose their memories and wreak havoc.
The [[Pokémon Mystery Dungeon]] series takes place in a region that is populated solely by Pokémon; humans do not live there. Most Pokémon live in dungeons, as there is shown to be hardly any modernized communities among Pokémon themselves. The only towns shown are [[Pokémon Square]], [[Treasure Town]], and [[Shaymin Village]], all of which are very small. Some of the Pokémon within them form exploration teams that explore dungeons and help Pokémon in need. There is an associated federation similar to the Ranger Union in Fiore and Almia that organizes all activities for rescue and exploration teams. The [[Wigglytuff's Guild|Wigglytuff Guild]] is where beginning exploration teams live and learn the basics. The [[Makuhita Dojo]] and [[Marowak Dojo]]s are places somewhat similar to Gyms in the main regions where exploration teams hone their skills.
[[Pokémon Snap]] is set on [[Pokémon Island]], an isolated reserve home to many species of Pokémon. It appears to have a relationship with the [[Kanto]] region of the main series, as [[Professor Oak]] appears to have some authority over the island. [[Pokémon Channel]] is set in [[Mintale Town]], which is inhabited by many species of Pokémon. Humans may live there too; there is at least one suburban area. [[Holon]] and the [[TCGTrading Card Game Islands]] appear in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]] and the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game (game)|eponymous video games]]. The relationship of these regions with the others is unclear.
=== Mappe ===
File:Art Fiore-unmarked.jpgpng|[[Fiore]], in [[Pokémon Ranger]]
File:Almia.png|[[Almia,]] in [[Pokémon Ranger: ShadowsOmbre ofsu Almia]]
File:Oblivia artworkart.png|[[Oblivia,]] in [[Pokémon Ranger: GuardianTracce di SignsLuce]]
File:Ransei.png|[[Ransei]] in [[Pokémon Conquest]]
==In the Nell'anime==
The protagonists of the [[Pokémon anime]], [[Ash Ketchum]] and his {{ashfr|traveling companions}}, have visited the first fourfive main series regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and SinnohUnova) in the same order the games have been released. To accommodate plots, story arcs, and episode numbers, regions in the anime are much larger thenthan their game counterparts. The regions are shown to have a number of cities and towns that are [[List of anime locations by region|not present in the games]]. In some cases, some areas are moved to a different region from their game counterparts.; Forfor example, the [[Hoenn]] {{Gdis|Battle Frontier|III}} in {{game|Emerald}} was not in [[Hoenn]] in the anime., Itbut was locatedinstead in [[Kanto]], with the different facilities scattered all over the region rather being located on an island. Also, {{game|FireRed and LeafGreen|s}}'s [[Sevii Islands]] appeared in one [[Pokémon Chronicles]] episode, ''[[SS018|The Search for the Legend]]''.
Additionally, two regions exist in the anime that do not exist in any video game.
The first is the [[Orange Archipelago]], the tropical setting for the second season, [[Pokémon: Adventures in the Orange Islands| Adventures in the Orange Islands]]. Located south of Kanto and Johto, it differs from the standard region formula, with only four [[Gym]]s.
The second is the [[Decolora Archipelago]], the setting of the current arc of the {{series|Best Wishes!}}.
File:Orange.jpg|L'Arcipelago Orange
File:Decolora.png|L'Arcipelago Decolora
Additionally, one region exists in the anime that does not exist in any video game. The [[Orange Archipelago]] was the tropical setting for the [[Pokémon: The Adventures in the Orange Islands|second season]] of the anime. Located south of Kanto and Johto, it differs from the standard region formula, with only four gyms and no Pokémon League. This truncated version of events is likely due to the Orange Islands being a [[filler episode|"filler" arc]] while Nintendo prepared the release of the [[Generation II|second generation]] of Pokémon.
* All main series regions introduced in odd-numbered generations have had at least one Gym that has had more than one [[Gym Leader]] depending on either [[generation]] or version.
* The names of the five regions visited in the main series games are all composed of four kana: カントー (Kanto), ジョウト (Johto), ホウエン (Hoenn), シンオウ (Sinnoh), and イッシュ (Unima).
* Both anime only regions are an archipelago.
* Each main series region has the letter 'o' present in its English name (Kant'''o''', J'''o'''ht'''o''', H'''o'''enn, Sinn'''o'''h, Un'''o'''va, and Kal'''o'''s).
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