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'''Tory Lund''' ('''トオイ・ロンド ''' ''Tōi Rondo'') è un personaggio del settimo [[film Pokémon]], ''[[F07|Fratello dallo Spazio]]''.
[[File:Younger Tory da giovane.png|thumb|270px|left|Tory giovane]]
Quattro anni prima degli eventi principali del film, il professor Lund ha portato Tory con se in un viaggio investigativo nell'Artico. Quando un meteorite trasportante {{p|Deoxys}} è precipitato, l'impatto ha provocato la fuga precipitosa di un gruppo di {{p|Walrein}}. Tory venne circondato da Walrein e, come risultato, è rimasto profondamente traumatizzato arrivando a provare terrore per i Pokémon. Quattro anni dopo, la paura di Tory per i Pokémon continuava ad esserci, nonostante esso provi amore per loro. Tuttavia, Tory ha fatto amicizia con un'entità cosmica nel laboratorio del padre. Questo essere si sarebbe poi rivelato come la forma spirituale di un secondo Deoxys, amico del primo.
That night, Tory met Ash and {{Ashfr}} again, along with Rafe, Sid, Rebecca, Audrey, and Kathryn. He had brought with him a box of Pokémon cookies, and a fun night involving the children and all their Pokémon followed. The next day, the first Deoxys, which had been annihilated in a fight with {{p|Rayquaza}} four years earlier and had since regenerated, began searching for its missing companion. When Rayquaza approached LaRousse City in search of its enemy, the first Deoxys erected a force field around the city's main island, trapping Tory and the others inside while keeping Rayquaza out. The first Deoxys then carried on with its business towards recovering its friend. In the hours that followed, several of the heroes were captured, including the Minun. Tory tried to comfort the Plusle, but his fear got the better of him. Eventually, the truth about the Deoxys' was revealed, and everyone came up with a plan to help restore order to LaRousse. Teaming up with Ash, Pikachu, and the reunited Plusle and Minun, Tory assisted Yuko in reviving the second Deoxys, whom the heroes soon reunited with its friend.
[[File:Tory ande Deoxys.png|thumb|right|250px|Tory ande Deoxys]]
Meanwhile, Rayquaza had finally blasted its way through the force field surrounding the city and attacked the two Deoxys. With the force field gone, the power in the city was restored, and the ensuing fight between the Deoxys duo and Rayquaza caused the city's Block Bots to malfunction catastrophically. Acting on instructions from Professor Lund, Tory, Ash, Pikachu, Plusle, and Minun, set to prevent the oncoming disaster. When Ash lost his passport, which he needed to stop the out-of-control robots, Tory threw him his own; Ash succeeded. As the security system finally shut down, Tory, Plusle, and Minun fount themselves suspended high on top the Battle Tower. Plusle and Minun began to fall, but Tory dove after them and grabbed them as all three of them plunged. Fortunately, the trio were saved by the second Deoxys, and Rayquaza, who had reconciled with the Deoxys, rescued Pikachu (who had previously fallen into the block bot swarm after sacrificing himself to help Ash), and then returned to the ozone layer.