Differenze tra le versioni di "Tory Lund"

257 byte aggiunti ,  21:28, 2 giu 2013
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(Creata pagina con "{{stub}} {{CharacterInfobox| color={{colore psico}} | corecolor={{colore psico light}} | bordercolor={{colore psico dark}} | name=Tory Lund | jname=トオイ・ロンド | tmn...")
bordercolor={{colore psico dark}} |
name=Tory Lund |
enname=Tory Lund |
jname=トオイ・ロンド |
tmname=Tōi Rondo |
Tory è un giovane ragazzo che vive a [[LaRousse City]], una città futuristicc di [[Hoenn]]. È il figlio del maggior scienziato della città, il [[Professor Lund]].
[[File:Younger Tory.png|thumb|270px|left|Tory giovane]]
Quattro anni prima todegli theeventi mainprincipali events of thedel film, Professoril professor Lund tookha portato Tory withcon himse onin anun investigativeviaggio tripinvestigativo to the Arcticnell'Artico. WhenQuando aun meteorite carryingtrasportante {{p|Deoxys}} crashedè precipitato, thel'impatto impactha disruptedprovocato ala fuga precipitosa di packun ofgruppo nestingdi {{p|Walrein}} and caused a stampede. Tory wasvenne surroundedcircondato by theda Walrein ande, as acome resultrisultato, becameè deeplyrimasto traumatizedprofondamente andtraumatizzato foundarrivando himselfa terrifiedprovare ofterrore per i Pokémon. FourQuattro yearsanni ondopo, la paura di Tory's fearper ofi Pokémon stillcontinuava ad lingeredesserci, despitenonostante theesso factprovi heamore lovedper themloro. HoweverTuttavia, heTory hadha befriendedfatto anamicizia oddcon cosmicun'entità entitycosmica thatnel hid in his father'slaboratorio largedel laboratorypadre. ThisQuesto wouldessere latersi besarebbe revealedpoi torivelato become ala spiritualforma formspirituale ofdi aun secondsecondo Deoxys, andamico thedel first's friendprimo.
While in the city's [[Battle Tower]], Tory ran into [[Ash Ketchum]] and his [[Ash's Pikachu|Pikachu]]. Frightened by the presence of {{p|Pikachu}}, Tory raced into an elevator, but Ash dove through the doors at the last second and tried to ask the stunned boy where the battle floor was, all while Tory backed in a corner. Tory managed to escape Ash, but ended up in a two-on-two [[Tag Battle|tag-team battle]] alongside him, where they were up against teen-aged Trainers [[Rafe]] and [[Sid]]. When asked by Ash what Pokémon he would use, Tory confessed that he wasn't a Trainer and thereby he had no Pokémon. Ash, unwilling to forfeit the match, lent Tory his {{AP|Torkoal}}, and Tory reluctantly complied. With that, the battle began. However, things didn't run incredibly smoothly - Pikachu and Torkoal were defeated easily, and Tory, so inexperienced that, as [[Max]] pointed out, he couldn't help Ash at all, was scared by Sid's {{p|Blastoise}} (which was performing a Rapid Spin attack), which reminded him of his encounter with the Walrein. After the battle, the defeated Ash and Tory met up with Tory's father and Yuko, who had been watching the entire battle. When the elder Lund expressed how proud he was, Tory sadly said "Don't be. It was all an accident! It wasn't even supposed to happen!". He then left the building.
[[File:Tory and Ash.png|thumb|right|250px|Tory and Ash in the Battle Tower]]
Reunited with his father and friends, Tory overcame his fear of Pokémon, and as a result, Plusle and Minun became his new friends. He then said farewell to the two Deoxys as they returned to outer space. It is presumed Tory eventually becomes a [[Pokémon Trainer]] with Plusle and Minun as his starters.
===Con cui ha stretto amicizia===
|pkmn=Plusle ande Minun
|img=Plusle Minun Munchlax.png
|epname=DestinyFratello Deoxysdallo Spazio
|vajp=Akiko Kawase
|vaen2=Kumiko Higa
|desc=WhenLa prima volta che Tory firstha foundincontrato {{p|Plusle}} ande {{p|Minun}}, Minun hadaveva itsla headtesta stuckincastarta in aun bidone trashdella canspazzatura. Tory helpedlo freeha itaiutato buta liberarsi ma whenquando thei twodue Pokémon attemptedhanno totentato showdi theirmostrare gratitudela byloro hugginggratitudine himabbracciandolo, helui freakedè outcorso andurlando ranal tolaboratorio hisdel father's labpadre. AfterDopo thegli eventseventi ofdel the movie, howeverfilm, Tory gotha smesso di aver paura overdi hisloro feared ofha themfatto andamicizia befriendedcon themloro. TheI twodue Pokémon weresono alsopresenti featured withcon Tory in hisnella TCGsua cardcarta, {{TCG ID|Movie VS Pack|Tory's Feelings|17}}.}}
|main=Deoxys (M07F07)
|img=Deoxys green crystal Normal Forme.png
|cap=Tory's Deoxys
|epname=DestinyFratello Deoxysdallo Spazio
|vajp=Susumu Chiba
|vajpnote=purpleDeoxys crystalcon Deoxyscristallo viola
|vajp2=Kenji Nojima
|vajp2note=greenDeoxys crystalcon Deoxyscristallo verde
|vaen=Susumu Chiba
|vaennote=purpleDeoxys crystalcon Deoxyscristallo viola
|vaen2=Kenji Nojima
|vaen2note=greenDeoxys crystalcon Deoxyscristallo verde
|desc=Tory befriendedfa aamicizia Deoxyscon inun theDeoxys formsottoforma ofdi auna greenluce lightcerde, notnon realizingrendendosi thatconto itche wassi trattava in factrealtà adi un Pokémon. AfterDopo thegli eventseventi ofdel the moviefilm, Deoxys leftse ne è backandato tonello spacespazio.}}
===BorrowedPresi in prestito===
|img=Ash Torkoal Tory.png
|epname=DestinyFratello Deoxysdallo Spazio
|vajp=Shin'ichirō Miki
|vaen=Maddie Blaustein
|desc=AfterDopo accidentallyessere enteringentrato intoaccidentalmente ain una [[Tag Battle]] withcon Ash againstcontro [[Rafe]] ande [[Sid]] at thealla [[BattleTorre TowerLotta]], Ash loansimpresta a Tory hisil suo Torkoal asinquanto Tory doesnon notha havecon anysè alcun Pokémon with him. HoweverTuttavia, duea causa della paura todi Tory's fearper ofi Pokémon, heegli doesnon notordina issueal anyPokémon commandsalcun comando, ande la thebattaglia battleè wascosì lostperduta.}}
{| style="margin:auto; text-align:center; font-size: 80%; {{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychiccolore colorpsico dark}}; background: #{{psychiccolore colorpsico}};"
| style="{{roundy|20px}} border: 2px solid #{{psychiccolore colorpsico dark}}; background: #{{psychiccolore colorpsico light}}; width:140px; height:140px"| [[File:Sugimori Tory anime.png|220px]]
| Il disegno di Tory di [[Ken Sugimori]]'s design of Tory
==Voice actorsDoppiatori==
{{vatable|color={{psychiccolore colorpsico}}|bordercolor={{psychiccolore colorpsico light}}
|ja=日高のり子 ''[[Noriko Hidaka]]''
|en=[[Tara Jayne]]
|pt_br=Pedro Alcântara}}
==In the TCGGCC==
This listing is of cards mentioning or featuring Tory in the [[Pokémon Trading Card Game]].
{{cardlist/header|Tory Lund|Supporter|char=yes}}
{{cardlist/entry|cardname=[[Tory's Feelings (Movie VS Pack 17)|Tory's Feelings]]|type=Supporter|jpset=Movie Commemoration VS Pack: Space Fissure's Deoxys|jpnum=017/019}}
{| align="left" style="background: #{{colore psico light}}; {{roundy|10px}}; border: 3px solid #{{colore psico}}"
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