Differenze tra le versioni di "Paul"

64 byte rimossi ,  22:22, 15 gen 2012
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All'inizio si credeva che paul er aun allenatore principiante , pero questo risultò falso nell'episodio il coraggio di paul! dove viene rivelato che ha viaggiato già per le regione di hoenn,jhoto e kanto e pertecipando alle rispettive leghe ma senza vincerne nessuna , e poi è ritornato a casa a sinnoh. Nell'episodio Scontro nella priamde lotta viene rivelato che kanto è la prima regione in cui ha viaggiato.
''[[DP128|A Pyramiding Rage!]]''ello stesso episoido si viene rivelato molto sul comportamento di paul: quando Reggie era un allenatore pokèmon , ha combattuto contro Baldo, l'asso della piramdie lotta ma ha peros enza che nessun pokèmon dell'avversario sia sconfitto.La sconfitta di suo fratello ha fatto nascere in paul una forte voglia del potere.In seguito a quella lotta reggie decise di smettere di far l'allenatore e questo paul non lo sopportava , e rimase deluso da suo fratello, e quindi nell'corso dell'episodio Paul,decide di sfidare baldo ad una lotta completa e riusicre dove suo fratello ha sbagliato.Però ,anche per paul fù suna sconfitta totale eperse senza che nessun pokèmon avversario sia sconfitto. Baldo,in seguito, a detto a Paul , che il motivo della sua sconfitta è perchè,secondo lui,non sa controllare le sue emozioni.
''[[DP128|A Pyramiding Rage!]]'' revealed much about Paul's motivation as a Pokémon Trainer and more about his character. When Reggie was a roaming Pokémon Trainer, he had lost to {{FB|Pyramid King|Brandon}}. Reggie's loss to Brandon is what caused Paul to be so adamant about strength in battle. This single loss is also what caused Paul to become the callous person he was, and that was because of how his brother handled the loss. Instead of bearing the shame of his loss to Brandon, Reggie moved on with his life and put the loss behind him. Paul found this to be unacceptable, and he became disappointed of his brother. He challenged Brandon to a [[full battle]] in hopes that he would be able to do what his brother never could. However, Paul lost to Brandon without being able to [[fainting|knock out]] any of Brandon's Pokémon. Brandon says that this loss was because Paul was unable to control his emotions.
Following Reggie's suggestion in ''[[DP128|A Pyramiding Rage!]]'', Paul battled {{Ash}} in a [[full battle]] in ''[[DP131|Pedal to the Mettle!]]'' and ''[[DP132|Evolving Strategies!]]''. Here, he shows his true colors in battle and, despite Ash's {{p|Chimchar}} evolving into {{AP|Monferno|Infernape}} and three of Ash's Pokémon using the [[Counter Shield]] strategy, Paul won the match easily with only at a loss of two Pokémon overall, where {{p|Ursaring|one}} defeated half of Ash's team nearly single-handedly. He had his Pokémon use a broad variety of strategies, which he kept up his sleeve until this battle, such as tempting Ash to send his {{AP|Staraptor}} up against his {{p|Torterra}} so he could attack it with {{m|Stone Edge}}, {{p|Electabuzz}} using {{m|Light Screen}} to aid its comrades, using his Ursaring against [[Ash's Pikachu]] so as to activate its {{a|Guts}} ability, and his {{p|Magmortar}} using {{m|Rock Tomb}} to protect itself against Water-type attacks. As a result, his strategy of completely overwhelming and outsmarting Ash with his more powerful Pokémon team succeeded.
