Differenze tra le versioni di "Infernape di Ash"

14 587 byte aggiunti ,  15:54, 8 gen 2012
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L''''Infernape di Ash''' è un Pokémon di {{Ash}}. Era inizialmente possesso da [[Paul]] da Chimchar ma si è unito ad Ash dopo essere stato liberato in ''[[DP051|Senza pietà]]''.
[[File:Paul Chimchar.png|thumb|left|200px|As a {{p|Chimchar}}, while under Paul's command]]
===With Paul===
Infernape was once a Chimchar owned by Paul. Prior to events of the Diamond and Pearl series, Paul saw Chimchar being chased by a group of {{p|Zangoose}}. The situation looked bad for Chimchar, but in its stress it pulled off an extremely powerful {{m|Flame Wheel}}. This impressed Paul enough to add Chimchar to his regular team. However, this first impression did not match up to Chimchar's normal abilities, resulting in Paul criticizing it for being weak. Traumatized, Chimchar gained a morbid fear of all {{p|Zangoose}}.
Chimchar's first episode was ''[[DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide]]'' where Paul used it to battle [[Dawn's Ambipom|Ash's Aipom]]. It fought well, but lost in the end. Chimchar reappeared in ''[[DP006|Different Strokes for Different Blokes]]'' where it won against [[Ash's Torterra|Ash's Turtwig]] and ''[[DP015|Shapes of Things to Come!]]'' where it beat [[Roark]]'s {{p|Onix}} but lost to [[Roark's Rampardos|Roark's Cranidos]].
After losing to [[Cynthia's Garchomp]] in ''[[DP040|Top-Down Training]]'', Paul realized that Chimchar was not fulfilling his expectations. This culminated in the [[Hearthome City Tag Battle Competition]], where he was forced to battle alongside Ash. That night, Ash discovered Paul's training regime, which involved his Pokémon attacking Chimchar in the hopes of recreating the power he had seen before. Ash intervened and took Chimchar to the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy told Paul it would be unable to battle. Paul ignored this warning.
During the next battle against a Zangoose and a {{p|Metagross}}, Chimchar was too scared to make any attack when caught in Zangoose's claws, and had to be saved by Turtwig, who was seriously injured as a result. Chimchar made up for this by protecting Turtwig from a {{m|Fire Blast}} attack. Furious at Chimchar, Paul refused to give any orders. Consequently, Ash gave Chimchar commands for the remainder of the battle. After the battle, Paul released Chimchar in front of Ash, who then invited it to join him.
===With Ash===
[[File:Ash Chimchar.png|left|thumb|200px|Ash offering Chimchar to join his [[Party|party]].]]
In the final round of the competition, Paul and Ash selected {{TP|Paul|Elekid|Electivire}} and Chimchar for their last battle in ''[[DP052|Smells Like Team Spirit!]]'' against [[Conway]]'s {{p|Heracross}} and [[Ash's Buizel|Dawn's Buizel]]. During the battle, Elekid evolved into Electabuzz, and they both combined {{m|Thunder}} and Flamethrower on Buizel and Heracross to knock them out. This victory meant that Ash and Paul won the Hearthome City Tag Battle Tournament.
In ''[[DP053|Tears For Fears!]]'', Ash and his friends had a picnic party. Chimchar watched the Pokémon having fun and it kept having flashbacks of when it was still in Paul's possession reflecting on how its former Trainer treated it as opposed to how Ash does, after which it cried tears of joy as it was finally treated with patience and kindness by Ash and {{Ashfr|his friends}}, something Paul failed to do as its trainer. In the same episode, Chimchar overcame its morbid fear of Zangoose stated above.
In ''[[DP068|A Triple Fighting Chance!]]'' Ash used Chimchar in his Gym Battle against the [[Veilstone City]] [[Gym Leader]], [[Maylene]]. Chimchar battled {{p|Meditite}}, but was recalled after Meditite confused it. It was then sent out against {{TP|Maylene|Lucario}} where it was ultimately defeated, despite a valiant effort.
In ''[[DP081|Chim - Charred!]]'', Ash and co. came across Paul. Ash and Paul had an enormous argument at which point an enraged Ash challenged Paul to a battle. Chimchar volunteered to go up against Paul and faced [[Paul's Ursaring]]. Ursaring and Paul used brutal tactics, and Chimchar was pushed to the point of using {{a|Blaze}}. Chimchar easily defeated Ursaring, but went on an uncontrollable rampage. Ash ran up to Chimchar and grabbed it, begging it to stop. Chimchar continued to struggle, biting Ash at one point. Eventually, it was embraced by Ash and Chimchar calmed down.
Later in ''[[DP097|Double Team Turnover!]]'', when battling [[Team Galactic]], Chimchar protected Pikachu from a {{m|Poison Jab}} launched by [[Saturn's Toxicroak]]. Chimchar was incapacitated for the rest of the fight, and was later thanked by Ash (after receiving medical treatment). [[Cynthia]] then comforted Chimchar about its past with Paul.
[[File:Ash Monferno.png|right|thumb|250px|As a Monferno]]
Ash later used Chimchar to battle against {{an|Barry}} in ''[[DP101|Barry's Busting Out All Over!]]''. Chimchar easily defeated Barry's {{p|Staraptor}}, using its superior agility. However, despite the type advantage, Chimchar lost to Barry's {{p|Roserade}}.
In ''[[DP102|Shield with a Twist!]]'', using Ash's counter-shield strategy, Chimchar defeated [[Fantina]]'s {{p|Mismagius}} and {{TP|Fantina|Drifblim}}, earning Ash his {{Badge|Relic}}.
In ''[[DP108|Dealing With Defensive Types!]]'', it was used in the battle against [[Byron]]'s {{p|Bastiodon}}, {{p|Bronzor}} and {{p|Steelix}}. It defeated Bronzor and Steelix, but eventually fell to Bastiodon. This mirrors {{AP|Staravia|Staraptor}}'s previous participation in the [[DP068|third Gym]], with it defeating the gym leader's first two Pokémon and losing to their third.
In ''[[DP127|Sliding Into Seventh!]]'', it was used in the Snowpoint Gym battle. Chimchar battled [[Candice]]'s {{p|Snover}} and {{p|Abomasnow}}, and despite a harsh battle with Abomasnow, it defeated both of them, earning Ash his {{Badge|Icicle}}.
In ''[[DP132|Evolving Strategies!]]'', Chimchar was used in the full battle Ash had against Paul. It defeated [[Paul's Ursaring]], which had previously taken down three of Ash's Pokémon, and evolved soon after into a {{p|Monferno}}, immediately learning {{m|Mach Punch}}. During the following battle against [[Paul's Electivire|Paul's Electabuzz]], it put up a close fight, but was defeated and badly injured, resulting in a loss for Ash.
In ''[[DP133|Uncrushing Defeat!]]'', Monferno, along with the rest of Ash's Pokémon, was badly injured. It needed a [[Cheri Berry]] to help treat it, but the [[Pokémon Center]] didn't have one. After {{an|Brock}} got one by [[Lake Acuity]], it became recovered slightly. It eventually attacked [[Team Rocket]] in combination with Ash's other Pokémon.
In ''[[DP147|Bagged Then Tagged!]]'', it was used in a [[tag battle]] with Dawn against {{an|Lyra}} and [[Khoury]]. Monferno used {{m|Flamethrower}} on [[Dawn's Cyndaquil]]'s {{m|Flame Wheel}} to defeat Lyra's {{p|Chikorita}}, and defeated Khoury's newly evolved {{TP|Khoury|Croconaw}} with a {{m|Mach Punch}}.
[[File:Ash Infernape Blaze.png|left|thumb|250px|Infernape's ability activated]]
In ''[[DP163|Fighting Ire with Fire!]]'', Monferno battled [[Barry's Empoleon]]. After being struck by a {{m|Hydro Cannon}} and sent crashing into the forest nearby, Monferno entered once again into an uncontrollable rampage with {{a|Blaze}}, but managed to control it in the last second in order to save [[Ash's Pikachu]], [[Dawn's Piplup]], [[Paul's Electivire|Paul's Electabuzz]] and Barry's Empoleon from [[Team Rocket]]'s falling [[Team Rocket's mechas|mecha]], evolving into an {{p|Infernape}} in the process.
In ''[[DP165|Flint Sparks the Fire!]]'', Ash used Infernape in a battle against [[Flint's Infernape]]. However, despite its power and speed, it was unable to keep up with Flint's Infernape and was quickly knocked out with a Mach Punch.
In ''[[DP179|The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!]]'', Infernape participated in Ash's rematch against [[Volkner]]. It defeated Volkner's {{p|Jolteon}} with a Mach Punch. When it battled Volkner's {{p|Luxray}}, it took severe damage, pushing it to activate Blaze. This time, however, Infernape was able to control itself and defeat Luxray with a powerful Flame Wheel, giving Ash the victory and the {{badge|Beacon}}.
[[File:Ash Infernape Paul Electivire.png|right|thumb|250px|The principal rivalry between Infernape and Electivire]]
Before the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]], Ash decided he would need help from his previously caught Pokémon. Due to this, Infernape, along with Ash's Sinnoh party (save for {{AP|Pikachu}}) were all sent to Professor Oak's Laboratory. [[DP185|Later]] during the tournament Ash recalled Infernape to his team and trained against [[Brock's Sudowoodo]] to improve {{m|Flame Wheel}} when Infernape suddenly learned {{m|Flare Blitz}} which was so powerful it became blue rather than the ordinary red-orange flames.
Infernape was later used in [[DP186|the full battle]] against Paul's {{p|Aggron}}, where it managed to burn Aggron with {{m|Flare Blitz}} before finally defeating it with {{m|Mach Punch}}. Ash decided to recall it when Paul sent out his {{p|Gastrodon}}. [[DP187|Later on]] it was sent out again to battle Paul's {{p|Ninjask}}. Ninjask's {{m|Agility}} was getting the better of it so Ash told it to use {{m|Dig}} then {{m|Flare Blitz}} which heated up the field, causing fire to erupt out of the ground, which made a mist cover the whole field that damaged Ninjask and also canceled {{p|Drapion}}'s {{m|Toxic Spikes}} attack. After putting up a good fight, Infernape was able to defeat Ninjask with a powerful {{m|Mach Punch}}, knocking it out in a single hit. Infernape battled [[Paul's Electivire]] in a heated battle in ''[[DP188|Battling a Thaw in Relations!]]'' where Blaze was once again activated, giving Infernape the strength to defeat the Thunderbolt Pokémon.
It is assumed that Ash left Infernape at [[Professor Oak's Laboratory]] when he decided to go to [[Unova]].
==Personality and characteristics==
Infernape, as a Chimchar, was usually a very sweet and kind Pokémon, until {{a|Blaze}} was activated and it went on a rampage until it could be stopped by {{Ash}}. Every time Chimchar saw Paul, it would get really fired up and determined to defeat him in battle. Chimchar never gives up in battle, which is a trait that it carried with it as it evolved into Monferno, and then into Infernape.
Infernape is quite the feisty Pokémon and, in its current stage, is always looking for someone to battle and some new way to boost its skills. Its personality almost completely matches Ash, which is why these two are a perfect match for one another.
==Moves used==
{{anmov/h|fire|fighting|Ash Infernape {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Dig|1=Mach Punch|2=Flamethrower|3=Flare Blitz}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Dig|1=Mach Punch|2=Flamethrower|3=Flare Blitz}}|image2={{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 3}}|0=Paul Chimchar Ember|1=Ash Infernape Flame Wheel|2=Ash Chimchar Scratch|3=Paul Chimchar Fire Spin}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 3}}|0=Ember<br> as a Chimchar|1=Flame Wheel|2=Scratch<br> as a Chimchar|3=Fire Spin<br> as a Chimchar}}}}
{{anmov|fire|Ember|DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide!}}
{{anmov|fire|Flame Wheel|DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide!}}
{{anmov|normal|Scratch|DP003|When Pokémon Worlds Collide!}}
{{anmov|ground|Dig|DP006|Different Strokes for Different Blokes|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|fire|Fire Spin|DP040|Top-Down Training!}}
{{anmov|fire|Flamethrower|DP050|Tag! We're It...!|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|fighting|Mach Punch|DP132|Evolving Strategies!|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|fire|Flare Blitz|DP185|Working on a Right Move!|rec=yes}}
===Moves improvised===
[[File:Ash Monferno Counter Shield.png|250px|thumb|As a Monferno, using [[Counter Shield]]]]
* '''[[Counter Shield]]''' was used in ''[[DP102|Shield With a Twist!]]'' and ''[[DP132|Evolving Strategies!]]''. Chimchar/Monferno uses {{m|Flamethrower}} after using {{m|Flame Wheel}}, releasing fire whips everywhere.
* '''Flamethrower Wheel''' used in the tag battle against Khoury and Lyra, it starts off with Cyndaquil running ahead and using Flame Wheel and while Cyndaquil somersaults into the Flame Wheel, Monferno uses Flamethrower towards Cyndaquil causing more flames to gather and a speed boost towards the target.
*'''Flamethrower Skating''' used in Ash's Battle with Candice. It consists of Chimchar using a piece of ice as skate to gain speed and use flamethrower to avoid be counterattacked by Abomasnow's other attacks.
* '''Underground Flare Blitz''' was used in a battle against [[Paul]] at the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]] in ''[[DP187|A Real Rival Rouser!]]''. Infernape used {{m|Dig}}, and then while underground used {{m|Flare Blitz}}, causing the entire field to heat up and fire to burst from the ground. This canceled the effects of Drapion's {{m|Toxic Spikes}} and also damaged Ninjask.
==In the manga==
===In the movie adaptations===
As a Monferno, Ash's Infernape appeared in the manga adaptation of the [[Pokémon movie]] {{ma|Arceus and the Jewel of Life}}.
====Moves used====
{{anmov|Fire|Flamethrower|Arceus and the Jewel of Life (manga)|A World-Changing Decision!}}
[[File:Ash and Chimchar DP.png|thumb|right|Ash and Chimchar in the Diamond & Pearl artwork]]
* For ''[[DP067|Crossing the Battle Line!]]'', [[Professor Oak's lecture]] is about Ash's Chimchar.
* Infernape as a Monferno was first revealed in a Japanese movie poster for ''[[M12|Arceus and the Jewel of Life]]'' and Monferno's evolution into Infernape was revealed in the Japanese opening ''[[The Greatest - Everyday!]]''
* When Infernape evolved from a {{p|Chimchar}} to a {{p|Monferno}}, it became the first time Ash had two evolved forms of [[starter Pokémon]] from the same region on hand.
* Infernape is Ash's third Pokémon to [[evolution|evolve]] while battling against [[Paul]].
* Infernape is Ash's third starter Pokémon to use its ability in a Gym battle.
** Out of all the Pokémon on-screen in the anime, Ash's Infernape has activated its [[ability]] the most number of times: a total of five times.
==Voci correlate==
{{Pokémon di Ash|fuoco|lotta}}<br>
{{Pokémon di Paul|fuoco|lotta}}-->
[[Categoria:Pokémon di Paul|Infernape]]
[[Categoria:Pokémon di Ash|Infernape]]
[[de:Ashs Panferno]]
[[fr:Simiabraz de Sacha]]
[[it:Infernape di Ash]]
[[pl:Infernape Asha]]
[[pt:Infernape de Ash]]