Differenze tra le versioni di "Quilava di Ash"

9 225 byte aggiunti ,  16:23, 7 gen 2012
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image=[[File:Ash Quilava.png|250px]] |
caption={{PAGENAME}}Quilava di Ash |
gender=Sconosciuta |
epname=Un prezioso alleato!|
current=[[Laboratorio del Professore Oak]]|
epname=Un prezioso alleato! |
firstevoep=DP182 |
firstevoname=Una vecchia miscela di famiglia! |
current=Al [[Laboratorio del ProfessoreProfessor Oak]] |
enva1=[[Kayzie Rogers]]|
java1=[[Yuji Ueda]]|
java2=[[Yuji Ueda]]|
Il '''Quilava di Ash''' è il terzo Pokémon che {{Ash}} ha catturato nella regione di [[JothoJohto]].
[[File:Ash Cyndaquil Debut.png|thumb|200px|left|As a {{p|Cyndaquil}}, in its debut]]
Quilava first appeared as a {{p|Cyndaquil}} in ''[[EP141|Good 'Quil Hunting]]''. On the way to [[Azalea Town]], Ash heard from a Trainer named [[Koji]] that the forest he and his friends were traveling through was reputed to be populated with Cyndaquil and decides to look for one. Ash was separated from his friends and chased by {{TRT}} into a cave where he found Cyndaquil. It was attacked by a giant [[Team Rocket's mechas|Team Rocket's mecha]], but Cyndaquil unleashed a powerful {{m|Flamethrower}} to defeat them. Ash threw a Poké Ball at Cyndaquil, hoping to capture it in order to protect it from the explosion, which he succeeded in doing. Koji then challenged Ash to a battle for Cyndaquil, but {{an|Brock}} told Ash that Cyndaquil was his by right and he didn't have to battle for it. Ash accepted the challenge nonetheless, and Cyndaquil, despite having a disadvantage, was able to use its speed and {{m|Tackle}} attack to defeat Koji's Sandslash. Koji then decided to try to steal Cyndaquil anyway in a net, only to get badly burned when it used a Flamethrower at him, causing him to run away.
[[File:Ash Cyndaquil Bugsy Scyther.png|thumb|left|220px|Cyndaquil coming down for an aerial attack on Scyther]]
Cyndaquil's Gym battle debut came quite early, used only three episodes later in [[EP144|Ash's battle with]] [[Bugsy]]. Ash was confident that Cyndaquil could provide the firepower needed to take down the {{type|Bug}} gym, but when Cyndaquil's fire didn't come out when called upon, Bugsy's {{p|Spinarak}} landed several {{m|Poison Sting}}s and then tied Cyndaquil up with a {{m|String Shot}}. Ash recalled Cyndaquil, and only sending it out as his last resort against {{p|Scyther}}, and was once again put at a disadvantage against Scyther's {{m|Slash}} and its use of {{m|Swords Dance}} to deflect Flamethrower. However, it won the battle by leaping over Scyther's head, hitting it from above, where Scyther was unable to dodge.
[[File:Ash Cyndaquil.png|thumb|250px|Cyndaquil with its flames ignited]]
Cyndaquil's sluggish battle skills were overcome in ''[[EP152|Hot Matches!]]'', where it was outclassed by [[Miki]]'s {{p|Skarmory}}. Ash trained with Cyndaquil, raising its attack and speed, and it also learned how to ignite the flames on its back at will whilst fending off wild {{p|Beedrill}}. In a rematch, Cyndaquil took down Skarmory with Flamethrower.
In ''[[M03|Spell of the Unown]]'', Cyndaquil defeated [[Lisa (movie)|Lisa]]'s {{p|Mankey}} with a single Flamethrower. It helped Ash and his friends break into the crystal mansion, but was defeated by a single attack from [[Entei (movie 3)|Entei]].
In ''[[EP158|A Goldenrod Opportunity]]'', Cyndaquil took down [[Whitney]]'s {{p|Nidorina}} in a single Flamethrower, and she surrendered her {{p|Clefairy}} to avoid seeing it take pain when its {{m|Metronome}} turned into {{m|Splash}}. However, [[Whitney's Miltank]] proved far too powerful, taking down Cyndaquil with a trio of {{m|Rollout}}s. In the [[EP159|rematch]], it lost to Miltank again, but {{AP|Pikachu}} managed to win the battle. Against [[Morty]] in ''[[EP182|From Ghost to Ghost]]'', it defeated Morty's {{p|Gastly}} by running up to Gastly's tongue and hitting it hard with Tackle, with Gastly still vulnerable to physical attacks from {{AP|Noctowl}}'s {{m|Foresight}}. Cyndaquil was stuck up against {{p|Haunter}} after it used {{m|Mean Look}}. It managed to strike with Swift and counter {{m|Hypnosis}} with a Smokescreen, but Haunter plucked Cyndaquil from the safety of the smoke and used {{m|Lick}}. It then tossed it to the ground, eliminating it from the battle.
Arguably, its most notable battle appearance was in the episode, ''[[EP224|Nerves of Steelix!]]''. Cyndaquil took down [[Jasmine]]'s undeniably powerful {{TP|Jasmine|Steelix}}, which had already defeated Pikachu without much trouble. Steelix used {{m|Sandstorm}} to block Flamethrower, and a series of {{m|Dig}}s and {{m|Iron Tail}}s to attack Cyndaquil. Finally, Cyndaquil managed to hide in the holes dug by Steelix and took it down with an inferno fed by a sustained Flamethrower. It also defeated [[Pryce]]'s {{p|Dewgong}} in ''[[EP238|Nice Pryce, Baby]]'', but was easily defeated by [[Pryce's Piloswine]]'s {{m|Blizzard}}, whom it had rescued from its icy tomb in [[EP237|the previous episode]].
[[File:Ash and Cyndaquil.png|thumb|220px|With Ash, ready to battle]]
Cyndaquil helped Ash get through the screening processes of the [[Silver Conference]] in ''[[EP266|A Claim to Flame!]]'', and was entered in battle against [[Jackson]] at {{an|Misty}}'s recommendation, as a counter to his powerful {{p|Meganium}}. However, it didn't get to fight Meganium, losing to Jackson's {{Shiny}} {{p|Magneton}} in a {{m|Thunder Wave}}/{{m|Tri Attack}} combination as Cyndaquil was burning through {{m|Double Team}}.
Ash left Cyndaquil along with the rest of his [[Johto]] team at [[Professor Oak's Laboratory]] when he wanted to start his journey fresh in the [[Hoenn]] region.
In a Christmas special, it was seen helping {{p|Delibird}} find his presents and helped to build the {{p|Snorlax}} Snowman. During the special episodes, Cyndaquil was seen laying on the floor. It was trod on by [[Cassidy]] and was squirted with foam by [[Butch]].
It reappeared in ''[[AG133|The Right Place and the Right Mime]]'', where it greeted {{AP|Torkoal}}.
[[File:Ash Quilava no flame.png|thumb|250px|right|Ash's Quilava without its flames lit]]
Ash called Cyndaquil back into his party for the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]] in ''[[DP182|An Old Family Blend!]]''. It was separated from Ash along with {{AP|Bayleef}}, {{AP|Totodile}}, {{AP|Snorlax}} and {{AP|Corphish}} when Team Rocket attempted to steal them. After finding the others, Cyndaquil was the only one left for Ash to search for. While looking for Ash, it was attacked by one of [[Team Rocket's mechas]]. During the battle, it showed that it had learned the move {{m|Flame Wheel}} during its time at the lab. When the mecha had Cyndaquil cornered, it evolved into {{p|Quilava}} and used its newly learned attack {{m|Eruption}} to destroy it.
In the [[DP183|following episode]], Ash used Quilava to battle [[Nando]] in the first round of the [[Lily of the Valley Conference]] where it went up against Nando's powerful {{p|Armaldo}}. During the fierce battle, it was revealed Quilava had learned {{m|Aerial Ace}}. When Aerial Ace and {{m|X-Scissor}} both landed, Armaldo went down first. Quilava grins briefly but then it faints, thus both Pokémon were knocked out.
==Personality and characteristics==
Personality-wise, Cyndaquil was the "baby" of Ash's group. It started off very weak and lazy, and was easily tired out. In battles, it usually had to wait for the flame on its back to ignite before using any {{type2|Fire}} attacks. After training with Ash in ''[[EP152|Hot Matches!]]'', Cyndaquil was able to ignite at will. Its evolution into Quilava marked a significant spike in its maturity and skill level. Quilava's personality was completely revamped as it became calm, serious, and stoic.
==Moves used==
{{anmov/h|fire||Ash {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Quilava Eruption|1=Quilava Aerial Ace|2=Cyndaquil Flame Wheel|3=Cyndaquil Flamethrower}}.png|Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=Eruption|1=Aerial Ace|2=Flame Wheel as a <br/>Cyndaquil|3=Flamethrower as <br/>a Cyndaquil}}|image2=Ash Cyndaquil {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=SmokeScreen|1=Agility|2=Swift|3=Tackle}}.png|caption2=Using {{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=SmokeScreen|1=Agility|2=Swift|3=Tackle}} as a <br/>Cyndaquil}}
{{anmov|Fire|Flamethrower|EP141|Good 'Quil Hunting|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|Normal|Tackle|EP141|Good 'Quil Hunting}}
{{anmov|psychic|Agility|EP152|Hot Matches!|x=yes}}
{{anmov|normal|SmokeScreen|EP152|Hot Matches!}}
{{anmov|normal|Swift|EP182|From Ghost to Ghost}}
{{anmov|normal|Quick Attack|EP238|Nice Pryce, Baby!}}
{{anmov|fire|Flame Wheel|DP182|An Old Family Blend!|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|fire|Eruption|DP182|An Old Family Blend!|rec=yes}}
{{anmov|flying|Aerial Ace|DP183|League Unleashed!|rec=yes}}
* Cyndaquil is Ash's only {{type2|Fire}} [[starter Pokémon]] that was not owned by another Trainer first. All of Ash's other Fire-type starters had previous owners who mistreated them.
* Quilava, as a Cyndaquil, took the longest to evolve out of any Pokémon in the anime, having been a Cyndaquil for 507 episodes, longer than a decade. However, it took slightly less than a decade for the dub, due to the fact that its introduction episode aired dubbed 338 days after the original, while its evolution episode aired dubbed only 149 days after the original.
==Related articles==
{{Pokémon di Ash|fuoco}}
[[Categoria:Pokémon di Ash|Quilava]]
[[de:Ashs Igelavar]]
[[en:Ash's Quilava]]
[[fr:Feurisson de Sacha]]
[[pl:Quilava Asha]]
[[pt:Cyndaquil de Ash]]