Differenze tra le versioni di "Utente:SDoc94/Sandbox4"

nessun oggetto della modifica
A {{wp|Bitwise operation#Rotate through carry|rotate right carry}} (rrc) is performed on the 8 bits comprising the Attack and Defense IVs, the 8 bits comprising the Speed and Special IVs, and the 16 bits comprising the Trainer ID. After this, the two 8-bit values are concatenated to form a single 16-bit number, which is then {{wp|Exclusive or|XOR}}'d with the Trainer ID, as follows.
Una operazione {{wp en|Bitwise operation#Rotate through carry|rrc}} viene eseguita sugli 8 bit che compongono i DV di {{stat|Attacco}} e {{stat|Difesa}}, sugli 8 bit che compongono i DV di {{stat|Velocità}} e {{stat|Speciali}} e sui 16 bit che compongono l'ID Allenatore.
A {{wp|Bitwise operation#Rotate through carry|rotate rightthrough carry}} (rrc) operation is performed on the 8 bits comprising the Attack and Defense IVs, the 8 bits comprising the Speed and Special IVs, and the 16 bits comprising the Trainer ID. After this, the two 8-bit values are concatenated to form a single 16-bit number, which is then {{wp|Exclusive or|XOR}}'d with the Trainer ID, as follows.
<math display="block">y = (256 \cdot \operatorname{rrc}(IV_1) + \operatorname{rrc}(IV_2)) \oplus \operatorname{rrc}(ID)</math>
If none of the entries in the table match (because ''y'' ≥ 65280), the Magikarp's length is instead equal to <math display="inline">1600 + (y - y_0)</math>, where ''y<sub>0</sub>'' is 65510, the last entry for ''y<sub>0</sub>'' in the table.
If the game converts this number to feet and inches, the final result will be rounded down to the nearest inch.-->
===Terza e quarta generazione===
[[File:Variazioni di taglia III IV.png|thumb|250px|Istogramma delle variazioni di dimensioni in terza e quarta generazione]]
In {{gen|terza}} e [[quarta generazione]] e in {{DLPS}}, alcuni [[PNG]] chiedono al giocatore di vedere Pokémon più grandi del normale. Se il Pokémon mostrato supera il record precedente, il giocatore riceverà un premio. A seconda dei giochi, un record viene considerato infranto se:
* Le '''dimensioni in millimetri''' del Pokémon superano il record precedente (terza generazione e giochi non in lingua inglese di quarta generazione)
* Le '''dimensioni in decimi di pollice''' del Pokémon superano il record precedente (giochi in lingua inglese di quarta generazione)
* Il '''fattore di scala''' calcolato del Pokémon supera il record precedente (Pokémon Diamante Lucente e Perla Splendente).
La taglia di un Pokémon è calcolata a partire dai suoi [[punti individuali]] (IV)
===Generations III and IV===
[[File:Size variation III IV.png|thumb|250px|Histogram of size variation in Generations III and IV]]
In [[Generation III|Generations III]] and {{gen|IV}} and {{g|Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl}}, there are occasionally [[Non-player character|NPCs]] who want to see large Pokémon. If shown a Pokémon that exceeds the previous record, the NPC will give the player a prize if it exceeds the previous record. Whether a Pokémon is considered to have beat the previous record differs slightly between games:
* In all Generation III games and non-English Generation IV games, this occurs if its calculated '''size in millimeters''' is greater than the previous record.
* In English-language Generation IV games, this occurs if its calculated '''size in tenths of an inch''' is greater than the previous record.
* In Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, this occurs if its calculated '''scale factor''' is greater than the previous record.
The size of these Pokémon is calculated from its [[individual values]] (IVs) and its [[personality value]] (its [[encryption constant]] in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl). Sizes follow a {{wp|normal distribution}}, with a {{wp|mean}} of the species' [[Pokédex]] height and {{wp|standard deviation}} of 0.179 times the species Pokédex height (approximately).
The characters searching for large Pokémon can be found at the following locations:
{| class="roundtable" style="background:#C0C0FF; border:3px solid blue; margin:auto"
! rowspan="2" | GamesGiochi
! rowspan="2" | Location
! rowspan="2" | Pokémon
! rowspan="2" | Prize
|- style="font-size: smaller"
! Imperiale
! US customary
! MetricMetrico
! Fattore di scala
! Scale factor
| {{gameabbrev3|RS}}
27 219
