Differenze tra le versioni di "File:Sprxymsh0320.gif"

Bot: using padding 4 instead of 3 in Pokémon sprites and models
m (Thunderbot ha spostato la pagina File:Sprxymsh320.gif a File:Sprxymsh0320.gif: Bot: padding main series models on 4 digits)
m (Bot: using padding 4 instead of 3 in Pokémon sprites and models)
{{sprello|type=modelli|ndex=3200320|game=Pokémon X e Y|ani=yes|back=no|shiny=yes|female=no|altform=no|credits=Si ringraziano [https://www.pkparaiso.com/ PkParaíso], [https://www.pokewiki.de/ PokéWiki] e [http://pokemonshowdown.com/ Pokémon Showdown] per i modelli. Thanks to [https://www.pkparaiso.com/ PkParaíso], [https://www.pokewiki.de/ PokéWiki] and [http://pokemonshowdown.com/ Pokémon Showdown] for the models.}}
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