Differenze tra le versioni di "Percorso 9 (Kanto)"

nessun oggetto della modifica
{{Incompleto|ncessita=traduzioni e riorganizzata generale}}
Il '''Percorso 9''' è una strada che va da est a ovest situata ad est di [[Celestopoli]] nel nordest di [[Kanto]]. È uno dei pochi percorsi nel mondo di Pokémon che non è facilmente accessibile ad una delle sue estremità. Per raggiungere il Percorso 9 da Celestopoli, il giocatore deve usare {{m|Taglio}} per rimuovere un alberello nella parte sud della città in modo da raggiungere la strada che collega il {{rt|5|Kanto}} al Percorso 9, oppure attraversare una casa derubata per raggiungere la stessa strada. Ad ogni modo, il Percorso 9 è separato da Celestopoli da un albero {{m|Taglio|tagliabile}} nell'estremità ovest, mentre l'estremità opposta si collega al {{rt|10|Kanto}} a nord della [[Centrale Elettrica]].
==Descrizione percorso==
==Descrizione percorso==
Heading east from Cerulean, the route quickly utilizes the rocky terrain of the area, hopping down a ledge and passing a Trainer, making this portion of the route a one way, eastbound only passage. Turning east, the route passes an opening to the south that leads to another trainer and {{TM|30|Teleport}} in [[Generation I]], or {{TM|40|Aerial Ace}} in [[Generation III]]. Moving away from the passage, Route 9 comes to a four-way intersection. To the north is the one way, westbound only passage that returns to Cerulean and is occupied by two trainers and a grassy area containing [[wild Pokémon]]. To the south is a long passage that ultimately results in a dead end, containing one trainer and a {{DL|Status ailment healing item|Burn Heal}} in Generation III. The main path of Route 9 takes the east fork.
===Prima Generazionegenerazione===
===Prima Generazionegenerazione===
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GenIJrTrainerFemale.png|Allen JR♀||360|4|043|Oddish||18||069|Bellsprout||18||043|Oddish||18||069|Bellsprout||18||}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GenIJrTrainerMale.png|Allen JR♂|{{Sup|RB}}|420|2|058|Growlithe||21||004|Charmander||21||}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GenIJrTrainerMale.png|Allen JR♂||380|4|019|Rattata||19||050|Diglett||19||023|Ekans||19||027|Sandshrew||19||}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GenIJrTrainerFemale.png|Allen JR♀||460|1|052|Meowth||23||}}
===Seconda Generazionegenerazione===
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Picnicker.png|Picnick Girl|Edna|720|2|030|Nidorina|♀|30|None|026|Raichu|♀|34|None|36=キミエ|37=Kimie}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Camper.png|Campeggista|Sid|640|3|051|Dugtrio|♂|32|None|062|Poliwrath|♂|29|None|057|Primeape|♂|29|None|36=リョウスケ|37=Ryōsuke}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Camper.png|Campeggista|Dean|672|2|055|Golduck|♂|33|None|028|Sandslash|♂|31|None|36=ユウト|37=Yūto}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Hiker.png|Avventuriero|Tim|1344|3|075|Graveler|♂|31|None|075|Graveler|♂|31|None|075|Graveler|♂|31|None|36=マサミチ|37=Masamichi}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Picnicker.png|Picnick Girl|Heidi|688|2|188|Skiploom|♀|32|None|188|Skiploom|♀|32|None|36=リカコ|37=Rikako}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|GSC Hiker.png|Avventuriero|Sidney|1440|2|095|Onix|♂|32|None|051|Dugtrio|♂|34|None|36=タカアキ|37=Takaaki}}
===Terza Generazionegenerazione===
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|RFVF_Picnic Girl.png|Picnic Girl|Alicia|360|4|043|Oddish|♀|18|None|069|Bellsprout|♀|18|None|043|Oddish|♀|18|None|069|Bellsprout|♀|18|None|36=エミカ|37=Emika}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|RFVF Campeggista.png|Campeggista|Drew|380|4|019|Rattata|♂|19|None|027|Sandshrew|♂|19|None|023|Ekans|♂|19|None|027|Sandshrew|♂|19|None|36=ノリヒロ|37=Norihiro}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|RFVF Picnic Girl.png|Picnic Girl|Caitlin|460|1|052|Meowth|♀|23|None|36=サチエ|37=Sachie}}
===Quarta generazione===
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|HGSS Picnic_Girl.png‎|Picnick Girl|Edna|720|2|030|Nidorina|♀|41|None|026|Raichu|♀|45|None|36=キミエ|37=Kimie}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|HGSS Campeggista.png|Campeggista|Sid|640|3|051|Dugtrio|♂|43|None|062|Poliwrath|♂|40|None|057|Primeape|♂|40|None|36=リョウスケ|37=Ryōsuke}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|HGSS Campeggista.png|Campeggista|Dean|672|2|055|Golduck|♂|44|None|028|Sandslash|♂|42|None|36=ユウト|37=Yūto}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|HGSS Avventuriero.png|Avventuriero|Eoin|1344|3|075|Graveler|♂|42|None|075|Graveler|♂|42|None|075|Graveler|♂|42|None|36=マサミチ|37=Masamichi}}
{{Trainerentry|HGSS Picnic_Girl.png‎|Picnick Girl|Heidi|688|2|188|Skiploom|♀|43|None|188|Skiploom|♀|43|None|36=リカコ|37=Rikako}}
{{TrainerentryTrainerlist/entry|HGSS Avventuriero.png|Avventuriero|Clarke|1440|2|095|Onix|♂|43|None|051|Dugtrio|♂|45|None|36=タカアキ|37=Takaaki}}
==Differenze tra generazioni==
===I e III generazione===
Only a few cosmetic changes are present between Generations I and III. The normal tree on the side of the {{m|cut}}-able in the west of the route is changed to a fence and the same kind of tree south of the nearly [[tall grass]] is changed to a rock. Some hills are bigger, and all of them are made taller in FireRed and LeafGreen, adding another hill above. Also, the flowers in the west entrance are replaced by trees.
===Seconda Generazione===
In [[Generation II]], the route was shortened by roughly 30%, and the corner between it and Route 10 belonged to it instead of belonging to Route 10 as it does in Generation I and III, making the north entrance to the [[Rock Tunnel]] placed practically in this route by three steps. Interestly, the only way to enter the cave is entering Route 10 as the half of the [[Pokémon Center]] blocks the way. Also, almost all items were removed from the route and the number of trainers was reduced to six. However, five of the six remained in positions occupied by trainers in the other [[Generation]]s.
===Quarta Generazione===
[[File:Barricade and fence comparison.png|thumb|right|250px|The fence and the tree barricade.]]
Many changes are made in this route. The cuttable tree is removed, the tall grass in the west side is sigthly moved to the south, the shape of the same grass is also different, the [[ledge]] north of the [[signpost]] is removed, as a new ledge is added near the center grass, and a hill is added to the route to give it a more in-depth feel. South of the east tall grass, a new fence with four cuttable trees is added replacing the ledge north of the Poké Center, one of these trees not being necessary to pass through the grass. Like in Gold, Silver and Crystal, the corner between it and Route 10 belonged to this route; however, this time the Rock Tunnel entrance is not placed in the route.
For decorative purposes, rocks are added in some hills, as are the flowers near the Pokémon Center and two more hills in the east river. This river is not a dead end to the north like in previous generations; this time the water goes north, but it's still impossible to advance due to rocks blocking the way. The west-to-east part of the river is significantly shortened. Also, the trees in the west entrance are replaced by an extension of the south hill. The fence with the trees mentioned above is very similar to the tree barricade between the Pokémon Center and the [[Rock Tunnel]] in Route 10 in Generations {{gen|I}} and {{gen|III}}.
[[Category:Zone Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia|Percorso 9]]
[[Category:Zone Oro HeartGold e Argento SoulSilver|Percorso 9]]
[[de:Route 9]]
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