Differenze tra le versioni di "Elenco Pokémon per peso"

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m (Bot: Modifico Categoria:Liste)
QustoThis èis una [[elencolist of Pokémon]] ordinatiby pertheir il peso in kilogrammiweight, dalfrom piùthe leggerolightest (0,1.2 [[{{wp:Kilogrammo|kg]]Pound (mass)|lbs}}) alto piùthe pesanteheaviest (9502094.4 kglbs).
===Da 0,1 a 10 kg (20 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
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Weight affects the following {{pkmn|games|game}} mechanics:
* The moves {{m|Low Kick}} and {{m|Erba Knot}} have a base power of 20, with an additional 20 when the target's weight is above 22.0, 55.0, 110.0, 220.0, and 440.0 lbs, successively.
|width="10%"|[[Gastly]]<br>(0,1 kg)
* The moves {{m|Heat Crash}} and {{m|Heavy Slam}} have a base power of 120, with a subtractive 20 when the target's weight is, relative to the user's weight, ⅕-¼, ¼-⅓, ⅓-½, and <½, successively.
|width="10%"|[[Haunter]]<br>(0,1 kg)
* Pokémon weighing 44.1 pounds or more are not eligible to compete in the [[Fancy Cup]].
|width="10%"|[[Rotom]]<br>(0,3 kg)
* Pokémon weighing 218.1 pounds or more are not eligible to compete in the [[Light Cup]].
|width="10%"|[[Uxie]]<br>(0,3 kg)
* Pokémon weighing less than 451.5 lbs have a -20 [[catch rate]] when using a [[Heavy Ball]], while Pokémon weighing between 451.5 lbs and 677.3 lbs have a +20 catch rate when using a Heavy Ball, Pokémon weighing between 677.3 lbs and 903.0 lbs have a +30 catch rate when using a Heavy Ball, and Pokémon weighing more than 903.0 lbs have a +40 catch rate when using a Heavy Ball.
|width="10%"|[[Mesprit]]<br>(0,3 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Azelf]]<br>(0,3 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Hoppip]]<br>(0,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Chingling]]<br>(0,6 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Diglett]]<br>(0,8 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Castform]]<br>(0,8 kg)
|[[Koffing]]<br>(1,0 kg)
|[[Igglybuff]]<br>(1,0 kg)
|[[Skiploom]]<br>(1,0 kg)
|[[Misdreavus]]<br>(1,0 kg)
|[[Chimecho]]<br>(1,0 kg)
|[[Jirachi]]<br>(1,1 kg)
|[[Shedinja]]<br>(1,2 kg)
|[[Swablu]]<br>(1,2 kg)
|[[Budew]]<br>(1,2 kg)
|[[Drifloon]]<br>(1,2 kg)
|[[Manaphy]]<br>(1,4 kg)
|[[Togepi]]<br>(1,5 kg)
|[[Surskit]]<br>(1,7 kg)
|[[Pidgey]]<br>(1,8 kg)
|[[Sunkern]]<br>(1,8 kg)
|[[Barboach]]<br>(1,9 kg)
|[[Chatot]]<br>(1,9 kg)
|[[Spearow]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Pichu]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Natu]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Azurill]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Roselia]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Starly]]<br>(2,0 kg)
|[[Murkrow]]<br>(2,1 kg)
|[[Shaymin]]<br>(2,1 kg)
|[[Kricketot]]<br>(2,2 kg)
|[[Taillow]]<br>(2,3 kg)
|[[Shuppet]]<br>(2,3 kg)
|[[Exeggcute]]<br>(2,5 kg)
|[[Torchic]]<br>(2,5 kg)
|[[Lotad]]<br>(2,6 kg)
|[[Caterpie]]<br>(2,9 kg)
|[[Cleffa]]<br>(3,0 kg)
|[[Jumpluff]]<br>(3,0 kg)
|[[Phione]]<br>(3,1 kg)
|[[Weedle]]<br>(3,2 kg)
|[[Togetic]]<br>(3,2 kg)
|[[Dratini]]<br>(3,3 kg)
|[[Cherubi]]<br>(3,3 kg)
|[[Burmy]]<br>(3,4 kg)
|[[Rattata]]<br>(3,5 kg)
|[[Wurmple]]<br>(3,6 kg)
|[[Masquerain]]<br>(3,6 kg)
|[[Qwilfish]]<br>(3,9 kg)
|[[Pachirisu]]<br>(3,9 kg)
|[[Glameow]]<br>(3,9 kg)
|[[Bellsprout]]<br>(4,0 kg)
|[[Shellder]]<br>(4,0 kg)
|[[Ditto]]<br>(4,0 kg)
|[[Mew]]<br>(4,0 kg)
|[[Seedot]]<br>(4,0 kg)
|[[Meowth]]<br>(4,2 kg)
|[[Plusle]]<br>(4,2 kg)
|[[Minun]]<br>(4,2 kg)
|[[Mismagius]]<br>(4,4 kg)
|[[Shroomish]]<br>(4,5 kg)
|[[Unown]]<br>(5,0 kg)
|[[Celebi]]<br>(5,0 kg)
|[[Corsola]]<br>(5,0 kg)
|[[Treecko]]<br>(5,0 kg)
|[[Spinda]]<br>(5,0 kg)
|[[Piplup]]<br>(5,2 kg)
|[[Oddish]]<br>(5,4 kg)
|[[Paras]]<br>(5,4 kg)
|[[Jigglypuff]]<br>(5,5 kg)
|[[Nincada]]<br>(5,5 kg)
|[[Combee]]<br>(5,5 kg)
|[[Buneary]]<br>(5,5 kg)
|[[Bellossom]]<br>(5,8 kg)
|[[Pikachu]]<br>(6,0 kg)
|[[Magnemite]]<br>(6,0 kg)
|[[Sentret]]<br>(6,0 kg)
|[[Smoochum]]<br>(6,0 kg)
|[[Chimchar]]<br>(6,2 kg)
|[[Shellos]]<br>(6,3 kg)
|[[Weepinbell]]<br>(6,4 kg)
|[[Chikorita]]<br>(6,4 kg)
|[[Krabby]]<br>(6,5 kg)
|[[Cubone]]<br>(6,5 kg)
|[[Eevee]]<br>(6,5 kg)
|[[Swinub]]<br>(6,5 kg)
|[[Wormadam]]<br>(6,5 kg)
|[[Ralts]]<br>(6,6 kg)
|[[Bulbasaur]]<br>(6,9 kg)
|[[Ekans]]<br>(6,9 kg)
|[[Nidoran♀]]<br>(7,0 kg)
|[[Finneon]]<br>(7,0 kg)
|[[Pineco]]<br>(7,2 kg)
|[[Feebas]]<br>(7,4 kg)
|[[Clefairy]]<br>(7,5 kg)
|[[Zubat]]<br>(7,5 kg)
|[[Omanyte]]<br>(7,5 kg)
|[[Mudkip]]<br>(7,6 kg)
|[[Mareep]]<br>(7,8 kg)
|[[Snubbull]]<br>(7,8 kg)
|[[Cyndaquil]]<br>(7,9 kg)
|[[Horsea]]<br>(8,0 kg)
|[[Charmander]]<br>(8,5 kg)
|[[Spinarak]]<br>(8,5 kg)
|[[Marill]]<br>(8,5 kg)
|[[Sunflora]]<br>(8,5 kg)
|[[Wooper]]<br>(8,5 kg)
|[[Gloom]]<br>(8,6 kg)
|[[Luvdisc]]<br>(8,7 kg)
|[[Teddiursa]]<br>(8,8 kg)
|[[Squirtle]]<br>(9,0 kg)
|[[Nidoran♂]]<br>(9,0 kg)
|[[Cherrim]]<br>(9,3 kg)
|[[Weezing]]<br>(9,5 kg)
|[[Totodile]]<br>(9,5 kg)
|[[Wingull]]<br>(9,5 kg)
|[[Shinx]]<br>(9,5 kg)
|[[Metapod]]<br>(9,9 kg)
|[[Vulpix]]<br>(9,9 kg)
|[[Kakuna]]<br>(10,0 kg)
|[[Magikarp]]<br>(10,0 kg)
|[[Silcoon]]<br>(10,0 kg)
===Da 10,1 a 25 kg (40 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
===0.0 lbs to 11.1 lbs===
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Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''20'''
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Turtwig]]<br>(10,2 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Gulpin]]<br>(10,3 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Voltorb]]<br>(10,4 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Ledyba]]<br>(10,8 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Houndour]]<br>(10,8 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Skitty]]<br>(11,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Sableye]]<br>(11,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Meditite]]<br>(11,2 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Kabuto]]<br>(11,5 kg)
{{weight/entry|607|Litwick|Spettro|Fuoco|6.8|3.1|013|Weedle|Coleottero|Veleno|7.1|3.2|176|Togetic|Normale|Volante|7.1|3.2|147|Dratini|Drago|Drago|7.3|3.3|420|Cherubi|Erba|Erba|7.3|3.3|412{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 3}}|0=|1=G|2=S}}|Burmy|Coleottero|Coleottero|7.5|3.4}}
|width="10%"|[[Aipom]]<br>(11,5 kg)
|[[Cascoon]]<br>(11,5 kg)
|[[Mawile]]<br>(11,5 kg)
|[[Corphish]]<br>(11,5 kg)
|[[Sandshrew]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Wigglytuff]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Chinchou]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Remoraid]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Ninjask]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Skorupi]]<br>(12,0 kg)
|[[Poliwag]]<br>(12,4 kg)
|[[Venomoth]]<br>(12,5 kg)
|[[Anorith]]<br>(12,5 kg)
|[[Banette]]<br>(12,5 kg)
|[[Ivysaur]]<br>(13,0 kg)
|[[Mime Jr.]]<br>(13,0 kg)
|[[Flaaffy]]<br>(13,3 kg)
|[[Poochyena]]<br>(13,6 kg)
|[[Dunsparce]]<br>(14,0 kg)
|[[Wynaut]]<br>(14,0 kg)
|[[Roserade]]<br>(14,5 kg)
|[[Farfetch'd]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Goldeen]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Xatu]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Trapinch]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Duskull]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Drifblim]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Bonsly]]<br>(15,0 kg)
|[[Electrike]]<br>(15,2 kg)
|[[Vibrava]]<br>(15,3 kg)
|[[Victreebel]]<br>(15,5 kg)
|[[Staravia]]<br>(15,5 kg)
|[[Bayleef]]<br>(15,8 kg)
|[[Delibird]]<br>(16,0 kg)
|[[Whismur]]<br>(16,3 kg)
|[[Dragonair]]<br>(16,5 kg)
|[[Snorunt]]<br>(16,8 kg)
|[[Zigzagoon]]<br>(17,5 kg)
|[[Volbeat]]<br>(17,7 kg)
|[[Illumise]]<br>(17,7 kg)
|[[Raticate]]<br>(18,5 kg)
|[[Vileplume]]<br>(18,6 kg)
|[[Charmeleon]]<br>(19,0 kg)
|[[Growlithe]]<br>(19,0 kg)
|[[Quilava]]<br>(19,0 kg)
|[[Stunky]]<br>(19,2 kg)
|[[Nidorino]]<br>(19,5 kg)
|[[Abra]]<br>(19,5 kg)
|[[Machop]]<br>(19,5 kg)
|[[Combusken]]<br>(19,5 kg)
|[[Psyduck]]<br>(19,6 kg)
|[[Swellow]]<br>(19,8 kg)
|[[Ninetales]]<br>(19,9 kg)
|[[Nidorina]]<br>(20,0 kg)
|[[Poliwhirl]]<br>(20,0 kg)
|[[Geodude]]<br>(20,0 kg)
|[[Bidoof]]<br>(20,0 kg)
|[[Kirlia]]<br>(20,2 kg)
|[[Riolu]]<br>(20,2 kg)
|[[Ambipom]]<br>(20,3 kg)
|[[Shuckle]]<br>(20,5 kg)
|[[Gible]]<br>(20,5 kg)
|[[Altaria]]<br>(20,6 kg)
|[[Carvanha]]<br>(20,8 kg)
|[[Tyrogue]]<br>(21,0 kg)
|[[Hoothoot]]<br>(21,2 kg)
|[[Magby]]<br>(21,4 kg)
|[[Baltoy]]<br>(21,5 kg)
|[[Grovyle]]<br>(21,6 kg)
|[[Kecleon]]<br>(22,0 kg)
|[[Monferno]]<br>(22,0 kg)
|[[Wartortle]]<br>(22,5 kg)
|[[Lanturn]]<br>(22,5 kg)
|[[Gorebyss]]<br>(22,6 kg)
|[[Prinplup]]<br>(23,0 kg)
|[[Croagunk]]<br>(23,0 kg)
|[[Mothim]]<br>(23,3 kg)
|[[Relicanth]]<br>(23,4 kg)
|[[Elekid]]<br>(23,5 kg)
|[[Whiscash]]<br>(23,6 kg)
|[[Lileep]]<br>(23,8 kg)
|[[Slakoth]]<br>(24,0 kg)
|[[Numel]]<br>(24,0 kg)
|[[Lumineon]]<br>(24,0 kg)
|[[Happiny]]<br>(24,4 kg)
|[[Jolteon]]<br>(24,5 kg)
|[[Staraptor]]<br>(24,9 kg)
|[[Seadra]]<br>(25,0 kg)
|[[Flareon]]<br>(25,0 kg)
|[[Croconaw]]<br>(25,0 kg)
===11.2 lbs to 22.0 lbs===
===Da 25,1 a 45,5 kg (60 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
Pokémon in this range:
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''20'''
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Kricketune]]<br>(25,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Leafeon]]<br>(25,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Glaceon]]<br>(25,9 kg)
{{weight/entry|161|Sentret|Normale|Normale|13.2|6.0|238|Smoochum|Ghiaccio|Psico|13.2|6.0|390|Chimchar|Fuoco|Fuoco|13.7|6.2|422{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=|1=E}}|Shellos|Acqua|Acqua|13.9|6.3|070|Weepinbell|Erba|Veleno|14.1|6.4|152|Chikorita|Erba|Erba|14.1|6.4}}
|width="10%"|[[Espeon]]<br>(26,5 kg)
{{weight/entry|098|Krabby|Acqua|Acqua|14.3|6.5|104|Cubone|Terra|Terra|14.3|6.5|133|Eevee|Normale|Normale|14.3|6.5|220|Swinub|Ghiaccio|Terra|14.3|6.5|413{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 3}}|0=|1=G|2=S}}|Wormadam|Coleottero|{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 3}}|0=Erba|1=Terra|2=Acciaio}}|14.3|6.5|648{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=|1=S}}|Meloetta|Normale|{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=psico|1=lotta}}|14.3|6.5}}
|width="10%"|[[Froslass]]<br>(26,6 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Umbreon]]<br>(27,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Huntail]]<br>(27,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Carnivine]]<br>(27,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Honchkrow]]<br>(27,3 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Mankey]]<br>(28,0 kg)
|[[Sneasel]]<br>(28,0 kg)
|[[Marshtomp]]<br>(28,0 kg)
|[[Nuzleaf]]<br>(28,0 kg)
|[[Pelipper]]<br>(28,0 kg)
|[[Beautifly]]<br>(28,4 kg)
|[[Azumarill]]<br>(28,5 kg)
|[[Wobbuffet]]<br>(28,5 kg)
|[[Octillery]]<br>(28,5 kg)
|[[Vaporeon]]<br>(29,0 kg)
|[[Beedrill]]<br>(29,5 kg)
|[[Sandslash]]<br>(29,5 kg)
|[[Parasect]]<br>(29,5 kg)
|[[Buizel]]<br>(29,5 kg)
|[[Gastrodon]]<br>(29,9 kg)
|[[Pidgeotto]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Raichu]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Venonat]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Ponyta]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Grimer]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Muk]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Electabuzz]]<br>(30,0 kg)
|[[Luxio]]<br>(30,5 kg)
|[[Spoink]]<br>(30,6 kg)
|[[Dusclops]]<br>(30,6 kg)
|[[Medicham]]<br>(31,5 kg)
|[[Bibarel]]<br>(31,5 kg)
|[[Cranidos]]<br>(31,5 kg)
|[[Dustox]]<br>(31,6 kg)
|[[Butterfree]]<br>(32,0 kg)
|[[Persian]]<br>(32,0 kg)
|[[Primeape]]<br>(32,0 kg)
|[[Drowzee]]<br>(32,4 kg)
|[[Furret]]<br>(32,5 kg)
|[[Porygon2]]<br>(32,5 kg)
|[[Linoone]]<br>(32,5 kg)
|[[Lombre]]<br>(32,5 kg)
|[[Delcatty]]<br>(32,6 kg)
|[[Crawdaunt]]<br>(32,8 kg)
|[[Dugtrio]]<br>(33,3 kg)
|[[Lopunny]]<br>(33,3 kg)
|[[Ariados]]<br>(33,5 kg)
|[[Phanpy]]<br>(33,5 kg)
|[[Floatzel]]<br>(33,5 kg)
|[[Politoed]]<br>(33,9 kg)
|[[Weavile]]<br>(34,0 kg)
|[[Porygon-Z]]<br>(34,0 kg)
|[[Staryu]]<br>(34,5 kg)
|[[Chansey]]<br>(34,6 kg)
|[[Tangela]]<br>(35,0 kg)
|[[Omastar]]<br>(35,0 kg)
|[[Slugma]]<br>(35,0 kg)
|[[Houndoom]]<br>(35,0 kg)
|[[Ledian]]<br>(35,6 kg)
|[[Slowpoke]]<br>(36,0 kg)
|[[Porygon]]<br>(36,5 kg)
|[[Mightyena]]<br>(37,0 kg)
|[[Fearow]]<br>(38,0 kg)
|[[Sudowoodo]]<br>(38,0 kg)
|[[Yanma]]<br>(38,0 kg)
|[[Skuntank]]<br>(38,0 kg)
|[[Togekiss]]<br>(38,0 kg)
|[[Vespiquen]]<br>(38,5 kg)
|[[Seaking]]<br>(39,0 kg)
|[[Doduo]]<br>(39,2 kg)
|[[Breloom]]<br>(39,2 kg)
|[[Pidgeot]]<br>(39,5 kg)
|[[Spheal]]<br>(39,5 kg)
|[[Clefable]]<br>(40,0 kg)
|[[Latias]]<br>(40,0 kg)
|[[Manectric]]<br>(40,2 kg)
|[[Zangoose]]<br>(40,3 kg)
|[[Gengar]]<br>(40,5 kg)
|[[Kabutops]]<br>(40,5 kg)
|[[Loudred]]<br>(40,5 kg)
|[[Jynx]]<br>(40,6 kg)
|[[Noctowl]]<br>(40,8 kg)
|[[Girafarig]]<br>(41,5 kg)
|[[Luxray]]<br>(42,0 kg)
|[[Bagon]]<br>(42,1 kg)
|[[Gliscor]]<br>(42,5 kg)
|[[Purugly]]<br>(43,8 kg)
|[[Toxicroak]]<br>(44,4 kg)
|[[Magmar]]<br>(44,5 kg)
|[[Marowak]]<br>(45,0 kg)
|[[Tentacool]]<br>(45,5 kg)
===22.1 lbs to 32.9 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''40'''
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===Da 46,5 a 49,8 kg (60 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
{{weight/entry|302|Sableye|Buio|Spettro|24.3|11.0|513|Pansear|Fuoco|Fuoco|24.3|11.0|618|Stunfisk |Terra|Elettro|24.3|11.0|307|Meditite|Lotta|Psico|24.7|11.2|140|Kabuto|Roccia|Acqua|25.4|11.5|190|Aipom|Normale|Normale|25.4|11.5}}
{{weight/entry|439|Mime Jr.|Psico|Psico|28.7|13.0|608|Lampent|Spettro|Fuoco|28.7|13.0|180|Flaaffy|Elettro|Elettro|29.3|13.3|515|Panpour|Acqua|Acqua|29.8|13.5|261|Poochyena|Buio|Buio|30.0|13.6|206|Dunsparce|Normale|Normale|30.9|14.0}}
===33.0 lbs to 44.1 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
|width="10%"|[[Vigoroth]]<br>(46,5 kg)
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''40'''
|width="10%"|[[Blissey]]<br>(46,8 kg)
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
|width="10%"|[[Absol]]<br>(47,0 kg)
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
|width="10%"|[[Alakazam]]<br>(48,0 kg)
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Hitmontop]]<br>(48,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Gardevoir]]<br>(48,4 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Granbull]]<br>(48,7 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Hippopotas]]<br>(49,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Hitmonlee]]<br>(49,8 kg)
===Da 50,2 a 99,9 kg (80 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
{{weight/entry|313|Volbeat|Coleottero|Coleottero|39.0|17.7|314|Illumise|Coleottero|Coleottero|39.0|17.7|524|Roggenrola|Roccia|Roccia|39.7|18.0|550{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=|1=B}}|Basculin|Acqua|Acqua|39.7|18.0|575|Gothorita|Psico|Psico|39.7|18.0|610|Axew|Drago|Drago|39.7|18.0}}
{{weight/entry|434|Stunky|Veleno|Buio|42.3|19.2|033|Nidorino|Veleno|Veleno|43.0|19.5|063|Abra|Psico|Psico|43.0|19.5|066|Machop|Lotta|Lotta|43.0|19.5|256|Combusken|Fuoco|Lotta|43.0|19.5|585{{#switch: {{#time: F}}|January|May|September=|February|June|October=S|March|July|November=A|W}}|Deerling|Normale|Erba|43.0|19.5}}
===44.2 lbs to 55.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
|width="10%"|[[Hitmonchan]]<br>(50,2 kg)
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''40'''
|width="10%"|[[Skarmory]]<br>(50,5 kg)
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
|width="10%"|[[Snover]]<br>(50,5 kg)
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
|width="10%"|[[Darkrai]]<br>(50,5 kg)
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Cacnea]]<br>(51,3 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Yanmega]]<br>(51,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Blaziken]]<br>(52,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Gallade]]<br>(52,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Sceptile]]<br>(52,2 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Seviper]]<br>(52,5 kg)
|[[Clamperl]]<br>(52,5 kg)
|[[Zapdos]]<br>(52,6 kg)
|[[Poliwrath]]<br>(54,0 kg)
|[[Heracross]]<br>(54,0 kg)
|[[Lucario]]<br>(54,0 kg)
|[[Mr. Mime]]<br>(54,5 kg)
|[[Golbat]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Tentacruel]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Pinsir]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Magcargo]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Ludicolo]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Infernape]]<br>(55,0 kg)
|[[Articuno]]<br>(55,4 kg)
|[[Piloswine]]<br>(55,8 kg)
|[[Scyther]]<br>(56,0 kg)
|[[Gabite]]<br>(56,0 kg)
|[[Kadabra]]<br>(56,5 kg)
|[[Shieldon]]<br>(57,0 kg)
|[[Smeargle]]<br>(58,0 kg)
|[[Aerodactyl]]<br>(59,0 kg)
|[[Shiftry]]<br>(59,6 kg)
|[[Nidoqueen]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Magneton]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Kingler]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Moltres]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Aron]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Latios]]<br>(60,0 kg)
|[[Cradily]]<br>(60,4 kg)
|[[Bronzor]]<br>(60,5 kg)
|[[Deoxys]]<br>(60,8 kg)
|[[Ampharos]]<br>(61,5 kg)
|[[Drapion]]<br>(61,5 kg)
|[[Nidoking]]<br>(62,0 kg)
|[[Gligar]]<br>(64,8 kg)
|[[Arbok]]<br>(65,0 kg)
|[[Mantyke]]<br>(65,0 kg)
|[[Lickitung]]<br>(65,5 kg)
|[[Electrode]]<br>(66,6 kg)
|[[Magmortar]]<br>(68,0 kg)
|[[Armaldo]]<br>(68,2 kg)
|[[Machoke]]<br>(70,5 kg)
|[[Stantler]]<br>(71,2 kg)
|[[Grumpig]]<br>(71,5 kg)
|[[Larvitar]]<br>(72,0 kg)
|[[Crobat]]<br>(75,0 kg)
|[[Quagsire]]<br>(75,0 kg)
|[[Miltank]]<br>(75,5 kg)
|[[Hypno]]<br>(75,6 kg)
|[[Golduck]]<br>(76,6 kg)
|[[Cacturne]]<br>(77,4 kg)
|[[Slowbro]]<br>(78,5 kg)
|[[Typhlosion]]<br>(79,5 kg)
|[[Slowking]]<br>(79,5 kg)
|[[Kangaskhan]]<br>(80,0 kg)
|[[Starmie]]<br>(80,0 kg)
|[[Swalot]]<br>(80,0 kg)
|[[Torkoal]]<br>(80,4 kg)
|[[Swampert]]<br>(81,9 kg)
|[[Flygon]]<br>(82,0 kg)
|[[Exploud]]<br>(84,0 kg)
|[[Empoleon]]<br>(84,5 kg)
|[[Dodrio]]<br>(85,2 kg)
|[[Blastoise]]<br>(85,5 kg)
|[[Cresselia]]<br>(85,6 kg)
|[[Makuhita]]<br>(86,4 kg)
|[[Sealeo]]<br>(87,6 kg)
|[[Tauros]]<br>(88,4 kg)
|[[Feraligatr]]<br>(88,8 kg)
|[[Sharpedo]]<br>(88,8 kg)
|[[Seel]]<br>(90,0 kg)
|[[Charizard]]<br>(90,5 kg)
|[[Rapidash]]<br>(95,0 kg)
|[[Garchomp]]<br>(95,0 kg)
|[[Beldum]]<br>(95,2 kg)
|[[Nosepass]]<br>(97,0 kg)
|[[Grotle]]<br>(97,0 kg)
===Da 100 a 110,5 kg (100 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
===55.1 lbs to 63.8 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
|width="10%"|[[Venusaur]]<br>(100,0 kg)
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''60'''
|width="10%"|[[Tropius]]<br>(100,0 kg)
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
|width="10%"|[[Meganium]]<br>(100,5 kg)
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
|width="10%"|[[Rampardos]]<br>(102,5 kg)
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Salamence]]<br>(102,6 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Graveler]]<br>(105,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Munchlax]]<br>(105,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Dusknoir]]<br>(106,6 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Claydol]]<br>(108,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Spiritomb]]<br>(108,0 kg)
|[[Shelgon]]<br>(110,5 kg)
===63.9 lbs to 70.3 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
===da 115 a 199 kg (100 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''60'''
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Rhyhorn]]<br>(115,0 kg)
{{weight/entry|418|Buizel|Acqua|Acqua|65.0|29.5|522|Blitzle|Elettro|Elettro|65.7|29.8|423{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 2}}|0=|1=E}}|Gastrodon|Acqua|Terra|65.9|29.9|017|Pidgeotto|Normale|Volante|66.1|30.0|026|Raichu|Elettro|Elettro|66.1|30.0|048|Venonat|Coleottero|Veleno|66.1|30.0}}
|width="10%"|[[Scizor]]<br>(118,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Dewgong]]<br>(120,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Exeggutor]]<br>(120,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Rhydon]]<br>(120,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Donphan]]<br>(120,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Lairon]]<br>(120,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Mewtwo]]<br>(122,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Forretress]]<br>(125,8 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Ursaring]]<br>(125,8 kg)
|[[Tangrowth]]<br>(128,6 kg)
|[[Machamp]]<br>(130,0 kg)
|[[Wailmer]]<br>(130,0 kg)
|[[Slaking]]<br>(130,5 kg)
|[[Cloyster]]<br>(132,5 kg)
|[[Abomasnow]]<br>(135,5 kg)
|[[Electivire]]<br>(138,6 kg)
|[[Lickilicky]]<br>(140,0 kg)
|[[Bastiodon]]<br>(149,5 kg)
|[[Walrein]]<br>(150,6 kg)
|[[Kingdra]]<br>(152,0 kg)
|[[Pupitar]]<br>(152,0 kg)
|[[Solrock]]<br>(154,0 kg)
|[[Arcanine]]<br>(155,0 kg)
|[[Milotic]]<br>(162,0 kg)
|[[Lunatone]]<br>(168,0 kg)
|[[Regice]]<br>(175,0 kg)
|[[Raikou]]<br>(178,0 kg)
|[[Magnezone]]<br>(180,0 kg)
|[[Suicune]]<br>(187,0 kg)
|[[Bronzong]]<br>(187,0 kg)
|[[Entei]]<br>(198,0 kg)
|[[Ho-Oh]]<br>(199,0 kg)
===70.4 lbs to 77.0 lbs===
===Da 200 a 430 kg (120 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
Pokémon in this range:
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''60'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Tyranitar]]<br>(202,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Metang]]<br>(202,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Registeel]]<br>(205,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Rayquaza]]<br>(206,5 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Onix]]<br>(210,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Dragonite]]<br>(210,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Lugia]]<br>(216,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Lapras]]<br>(220,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Mantine]]<br>(220,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Camerupt]]<br>(220,0 kg)
|[[Regirock]]<br>(230,0 kg)
|[[Gyarados]]<br>(235,0 kg)
|[[Hariyama]]<br>(253,8 kg)
|[[Glalie]]<br>(256,5 kg)
|[[Rhyperior]]<br>(282,8 kg)
|[[Mamoswine]]<br>(291,0 kg)
|[[Golem]]<br>(300,0 kg)
|[[Hippowdon]]<br>(300,0 kg)
|[[Torterra]]<br>(310,0 kg)
|[[Arceus]]<br>(320,0 kg)
|[[Palkia]]<br>(336,0 kg)
|[[Probopass]]<br>(340,0 kg)
|[[Kyogre]]<br>(352,0 kg)
|[[Aggron]]<br>(360,0 kg)
|[[Wailord]]<br>(398,0 kg)
|[[Steelix]]<br>(400,0 kg)
|[[Regigigas]]<br>(420,0 kg)
|[[Heatran]]<br>(430,0 kg)
===77.1 lbs to 88.6 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''60'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
==Super pesanti==
===Da 460 a 950 kg (120 di potenza per Colpo Basso/Laccioerboso)===
{| style="text-align: center; font-size:85%; width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: collapse;" border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"
===88.7 lbs to 110.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
|width="10%"|[[Snorlax]]<br>(460,0 kg)
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''60'''
|width="10%"|[[Metagross]]<br>(550,0 kg)
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
|width="10%"|[[Giratina]] (Origine)<br>(650,0 kg)
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
|width="10%"|[[Dialga]]<br>(683,0 kg)
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
|width="10%"|[[Giratina]] (Alterata)<br>(750,0 kg)
|width="10%"|[[Groudon]]<br>(950,0 kg)
==Vedi ancheMiddleweights==
===110.1 lbs to 119.1 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===119.2 lbs to 128.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
{{weight/entry|122|Mr. Mime|Psico|Psico|120.1|54.5|042|Golbat|Veleno|Volante|121.3|55.0|073|Tentacruel|Acqua|Veleno|121.3|55.0|127|Pinsir|Coleottero|Coleottero|121.3|55.0|219|Magcargo|Fuoco|Roccia|121.3|55.0|272|Ludicolo|Acqua|Erba|121.3|55.0}}
===128.1 lbs to 143.4 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
{{weight/entry|386{{#switch: {{#expr: {{#time: U}} mod 4}}|0=|1=A|2=D|3=S}}|Deoxys|Psico|Psico|134.0|60.8|508|Stoutland|Normale|Normale|134.5|61.0|181|Ampharos|Elettro|Elettro|135.6|61.5|452|Drapion|Veleno|Buio|135.6|61.5|034|Nidoking|Veleno|Terra|136.7|62.0|537|Seismitoad|Acqua|Terra|136.7|62.0}}
===143.5 lbs to 174.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===174.1 lbs to 191.7 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===191.8 lbs to 218.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
{{weight/entry|006|Charizard|Fuoco|Volante|199.5|90.5|622|Golett|Terra|Spettro|202.8|92.0|586{{#switch: {{#time: F}}|January|May|September=|February|June|October=S|March|July|November=A|W}}|Sawsbuck|Normale|Erba|203.9|92.5|555|Darmanitan|Fuoco|Fuoco|204.8|92.9|626|Bouffalant|Normale|Normale|208.3|94.5|503|Samurott|Acqua|Acqua|208.6|94.6}}
===218.1 lbs to 220.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''80'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
There are no Pokémon currently within this range.
===220.1 lbs to 264.4 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''100'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===264.5 lbs to 308.7 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''100'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===308.8 lbs to 440.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''100'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===440.1 lbs to 451.4 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''120'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''-20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===451.5 lbs to 677.3 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''120'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''+20''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
===677.4 lbs to 903.0 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''120'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''+30''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
==Super Heavyweights==
===903.1 lbs to 2094.4 lbs===
Pokémon in this range:
* receive damage from Low Kick and Erba Knot at a power level of '''120'''
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Fancy Cup
* '''are not''' eligible to compete in the Light Cup
* have a '''+40''' modifier to their catch rate when using a Heavy Ball
*It should be noted that several [[glitch Pokémon]] from Generation I, such as [[Missingno.]], far exceed normale weight measurements. For example, the heaviest real Pokémon, {{p|Groudon}}, weighs in at 2094.4 lbs, while [[Missingno.]] weighs 3507.2 lbs, and [[h POKé]] weighs an astounding 6099.0 lbs.
[[ende:ListRangliste ofder schwersten Pokémon by weight in kilograms]]
[[en:List of Pokémon by weight]]
[[fr:Liste des Pokémon par poids]]
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