
Questo modulo non ha ancora un manuale. Creane uno!
-- Entries for movelists

local m = {}

-- stylua: ignore start
local txt = require('Modulo:Wikilib/strings')
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables')
local forms = require('Modulo:Wikilib/forms')
local w = require('Modulo:Wikilib')
local multigen = require('Modulo:Wikilib/multigen')
local gen = require('Modulo:Wikilib/gens')
local lib = require('Modulo:Wikilib/learnlists')
local ms = require('Modulo:MiniSprite')
local links = require('Modulo:Links')
local css = require('Modulo:Css')
local cc = require('Modulo:ChooseColor')
local resp = require('Modulo:Resp')
local gendata = mw.loadData('Modulo:Gens/data')
local blackabbr = mw.loadData('Modulo:Blackabbrev/data')
local pokes = mw.loadData('Modulo:Poké/data')
local groups = mw.loadData('Modulo:PokéEggGroup/data')
local useless = mw.loadData('Modulo:UselessForms/data')
-- stylua: ignore end


This table holds all the interesting values for an entry

Level and tm are handled exactly the same way, so there's actually no reason to
differentiate the entries (they are aliases).
Breed is almost equal but for the parameters processing (#\d{3}# is replaced
with the MS).
Tutor and event are unique, and the latter almost prints its parameter without

The entries are generated by the "entry" function. This calls two main
functions, "head" that builds the first half of the entry and is independent
of the kind, and "tail" that build the rest of the entry.
The tail is built this way: the general "tail" function takes as parameter the
kind plus any other parameter needed. The kind is used both to select the mapper
from a table (indexed with kinds) AND to format them together.

local entry = {}

-- Boolean parameters representation
entry.boolDisplay = { no = "×", yes = "✔" }

-- Map from gen to list of game abbrs (that are parameters) of that gen
entry.genGames = {
    [1] = { "Y" },
    [2] = { "C" },
    [3] = { "FRLG", "E" },
    [4] = { "HGSS", "PtHGSS" },
    [5] = { "B2W2" },
    [6] = { "ORAS" },
    [7] = { "USUM", "LGPE" },
    [8] = { "SpSc", "BDSP", "LA" },
    [9] = { "SV" },

-- Reverse of the previous table
entry.gameGens = {}, function(v, k), function(abbr)
        entry.gameGens[abbr] = k

-- Strings for printing
entry.strings = {
    CELLBOX = [[| class="${textcolor} height-100" style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex;${cs}" | <div class="text-center height-100 roundy-5 vert-middle" style="${bg}; padding: 0 0.3ex;">${cnt}</div>]],

-- Sorted background colors of tutor cells
entry.tutorCellsColors = {


Data to split parameters of games of the same generation.
This table has an entry for generation. Each generation has a table whose
indexes are the sorted concat of abbrs of game that are in the entry.
Each entry in a gen is a list of tables, with the following keys:
	- bg: bgcolor for the corresponding box
	- abbr: abbr of the corresponding game
	- val: the name of the parameter whose value should be the content of this
			cell. "base" stands for the base value of the current generation
	- colspan (optional): the number of colspan. Defaults to 1

entry.levelCellsData = {
    [1] = {
        Y = {
            { bg = "rosso", abbr = "RVB", val = "base" },
            { bg = "giallo", abbr = "G", val = "Y" },
    [2] = {
        C = {
            { bg = "oro", abbr = "OA", val = "base" },
            { bg = "cristallo", abbr = "C", val = "C" },
    [3] = {
        FRLG = {
            { bg = "rubino", abbr = "RZS", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "rossofuoco", abbr = "RFVF", val = "FRLG" },
        E = {
            { bg = "rubino", abbr = "RZRFVF", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "smeraldo", abbr = "S", val = "E" },
    [4] = {
        HGSS = {
            { bg = "diamante", abbr = "DPPt", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "heartgold", abbr = "HGSS", val = "HGSS" },
        PtHGSS = {
            { bg = "diamante", abbr = "DP", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "heartgold", abbr = "PtHGSS", val = "PtHGSS" },
    [5] = {
        B2W2 = {
            { bg = "bianco", abbr = "NB", val = "base" },
            { bg = "bianco2", abbr = "N2B2", val = "B2W2" },
    [6] = {
        ORAS = {
            { bg = "x", abbr = "XY", val = "base" },
            { bg = "rubinoomega", abbr = "ROZA", val = "ORAS" },
    [7] = {
        USUM = {
            { bg = "sole", abbr = "SL", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "ultrasole", abbr = "UsUl", val = "USUM" },
        LGPE = {
            { bg = "sole", abbr = "SLUsUl", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "lgp", abbr = "LGPE", val = "LGPE" },
        USUMLGPE = {
            { bg = "sole", abbr = "SL", val = "base" },
            { bg = "ultrasole", abbr = "UsUl", val = "USUM" },
            { bg = "lgp", abbr = "LGPE", val = "LGPE" },
    [8] = {
        BDSP = {
            { bg = "spada", abbr = "SpSc", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "perlasplendente", abbr = "DLPS", val = "BDSP" },
        LA = {
            { bg = "spada", abbr = "SpSc", val = "base", colspan = 2 },
            { bg = "leggendearceus", abbr = "LPA", val = "LA" },
        BDSPLA = {
            { bg = "spada", abbr = "SpSc", val = "base" },
            { bg = "perlasplendente", abbr = "DLPS", val = "BDSP" },
            { bg = "leggendearceus", abbr = "LPA", val = "LA" },
    [9] = {},

-- Maximum of level columns for a generation. Exported because used also in
-- Movelist/hf
m.maxCellsNumber = {
    2, -- 1
    2, -- 2
    3, -- 3
    3, -- 4
    2, -- 5
    2, -- 6
    3, -- 7
    3, -- 8
    1, -- 9


Prints a (real) cell for a single value.
	- text: text content
	- bgcolor: name of bg color (from modulo colore)
	- bold: whether the content should be bold or not
	- colspan: the number of colspan (default 1)
	- tt: tt text (optional)
	- abbr: games abbr to add after text (optional)
entry.makeBox = function(text, bgcolor, bold, colspan, tt, abbr)
    local bg = bgcolor:lower() == "fff" and ""
        or css.horizGradLua({ type = bgcolor })
    text = bold and table.concat({ "'''", text, "'''" }) or text
    local cnt = tt and tt ~= "" and, tt) or text
    local tc
    if bgcolor:lower() == "fff" then
        tc = "black-text"
        tc = cc.forModGradBgLua(bgcolor)
    return txt.interp(entry.strings.CELLBOX, {
        bg = bg,
        textcolor = tc,
        cs = colspan and colspan ~= 1 and ('" colspan="' .. colspan) or "",
        cnt = abbr and table.concat({
            blackabbr[abbr] or "",
        }) or cnt,


Table of functions that maps a single value (i.e: one argument of the module) to
a cell, depending on the kind of the movelist.
It's actually a wrapper for makeBox that changes the text depending on kind,
chooses text color (often black) and chooses between tt and abbr.
Parameters are named because of many possible nil:
	- data: the value of the parameter as passed to the module
	- bg: the bg color
	- abbr (optional): the abbr of the game
	- colspan (optional): the number of colspan, default 1

entry.printValue = {
    level = function(args)
        local text = or "N/D"
        local bg =
        if text:lower() == "no" then
            text =
            bg = "fff"
        elseif text:lower() == "r" then
            text =
                "Questa mossa può essere appresa solo tramite Ricordamosse"
        return entry.makeBox(text, bg, true, args.colspan, args.abbr)
    tm = function(args)
        local text = and entry.boolDisplay[] or "N/D"
        local bg =
        if text == then
            bg = "fff"
        return entry.makeBox(text, bg, true, args.colspan, args.abbr)
    breed = function(args)
        local text = or "N/D"
        text = text:match("%#")
                and lib.mslistToModal(text, nil, entry.boolDisplay.yes)
            or text
        local bg =
        if text:lower() == "no" then
            text =
            bg = "fff"
        return entry.makeBox(text, bg, true, args.colspan, nil, args.abbr)
    tutor = function(args)
        if not or == "x" then
            return ""
        elseif == "no" then
            return entry.makeBox(, "fff", true)
        elseif == "yes" then
            return entry.makeBox(entry.boolDisplay.yes,, true)
    event = function(args)
        -- Should be wrapped in a div because this text may go to multiple lines
        -- and this breaks vert-middle
        local text = table.concat({ "<div>",, "</div>" })
        return entry.makeBox(text,, false)


This table maps a kind to a function that maps the entry source data to the
string with the actual value.
For instance, given a value from entry.levelCellsData it returns the string
corresponding to the cell for that generation; or given a tutorCellsColors it
returns the cell with the ✔ or × or an empty string, if there is no cell at all.
Keys are the possible values of "kind". Values are functions with two or three
	- source: the value from the source table
	- args: arguments of the module needed, as passed to the "tail" function
	- valPrinter: the corresponding function from entry.printValue
	- key (optional): the key of source in the source table

entry.valueMapper = {
    level = function(source, args, valPrinter, key)
        -- key + args.startGen is the generation of this source because
        -- table.filter compacts integer keys
        local gen = key + args.startGen - 1

        -- Searches for parameters
        local parameters =
            table.concat(tab.mapToNum(entry.genGames[gen], function(v)
                return args[v] and v or nil
            end, ipairs))
        if parameters == "" then
            -- No extra parameters
            return valPrinter({
                data = args[key],
                bg = gendata[gen].region,
                colspan = m.maxCellsNumber[gen],
            -- Extra parameters
            local boxes =[parameters], function(printData)
                local idx = printData.val == "base" and key or printData.val
                return valPrinter({
                    data = args[idx],
                    bg =,
                    abbr = printData.abbr,
                    colspan = printData.colspan,
            return table.concat(boxes, "\n")
    tutor = function(source, args, valPrinter, key)
        return valPrinter({ data = args[key], bg = source })
    event = function(source, args, valPrinter)
        return valPrinter({ data = args[1], bg = "fff" })
} = entry.valueMapper.level
entry.valueMapper.breed = entry.valueMapper.level


Prints "tail" cells (the ones depending on the kind).
	- kind: a string with the kind of movelist. One of "level", "tm", "breed",
			"tutor" or "event".
	- args: any other args, in a table because they depend on kind

args should contain the following, depending on kind:
	- "level"/"tm"/"breed": args.startGen should be the starting gen of this
			entry, and values from 1 to (currentGen - startGen) should contain
			the value to be displayed. Any other game abbr should be a named parameter.
	- "tutor": an array of "X", "yes" and "no" at most as long as
			entry.tutorCellsColors. Each value is interpreted as no cell, can
			learn and can't learn respectively. Trailing missing values are
			the same as "X".
	- "event": a single value args[1], that is printed as it is.

entry.tail = function(kind, args)
    kind = kind:lower()
    local dataSource
    if{ "level", "tm", "breed" }, kind) then
        dataSource = tab.filter(entry.levelCellsData, function(_, k)
            return k >= args.startGen
    elseif kind == "tutor" then
        dataSource = entry.tutorCellsColors
        -- kind == "event" or any other value (shouldn't happen)
        dataSource = { "" }
    -- Fixing absence of gen 8
    local cells =, function(v, k)
        -- Simply applies the right function, depending on kind
        return entry.valueMapper[kind](v, args, entry.printValue[kind], k)
            .. "\n"

    return table.concat(tab.filter(cells, function(v)
        return txt.trim(v) ~= ""


Print "head" cells (the ones independent of kind)
	- ndex: ndex of the Pokémon
	- args: optional parameters, named to avoid lots of nil in the call:
		* STAB: a string with the STAB value (either the empty string, "''"
		        or "'''")
		* notes: any note that should be added in tt after the Pokémon's name
		* allforms: a true value means that this entry is about all the
				    forms of this Pokémon
		* useless: a true value means that the form of this entry is
			         useless, and will be searched in the right module
		* movename: the name of the move, if different from page name

entry.head = function(ndex, args)
    local ndexNumber, abbr = forms.getndexabbr(ndex)
    local ndexFigures = string.ff(ndexNumber)
    local ndexAbbr = ndexFigures .. forms.toEmptyAbbr(abbr)

    -- First tries ndex + abbr, then the numeric ndex
    local pokedata = pokes[ndexAbbr]
        or pokes[ndexNumber]
        or { name = "Missingno.", ndex = "000" }
    local forml = args.allforms
            and '<div class="text-small">Tutte le forme</div>'
        or (
            args.useless and useless[ndexNumber].links[abbr]
            or forms.getlink(ndexAbbr, "")
    pokedata = tab.merge(
        multigen.getGen(groups[pokedata.ndex] or { group1 = "sconosciuto" })
    local movename = args.movename or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
    local stab = args.STAB == "no" and ""
        or args.STAB
        or lib.computeSTAB(ndexAbbr, movename)
    pokedata.group1show = pokedata.group1 == "coleottero" and "Coleot"
        or (
            pokedata.group1 == "non ancora scoperto"
                and "Non ancora<div>scoperto</div>"
            or txt.fu(pokedata.group1)
    pokedata.group2show = pokedata.group2 == "coleottero" and "Coleot"
        or txt.fu(pokedata.group2)
    pokedata.type2 = pokedata.type2 ~= pokedata.type1 and txt.fu(pokedata.type2)
        or nil
    pokedata.type1 = txt.fu(pokedata.type1)

    return txt.interp(
        [=[|- class="height-100"
| class="hidden-xs" | ${num}
| ${ani}
| <span class="hidden-xs">${stab}[[${name}]]${stab}${notes}${forml}</span>
| class="hidden-sm height-100" style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex;" | ${types}
| class="hidden-sm height-100" style="padding: 0.8ex 0.3ex;" | ${groups}
            num = gen.ndexToString(tonumber(ndexFigures)),
            ani = ms.staticLua({ ndexAbbr }),
            stab = stab,
            name =,
            notes = lib.makeNotes(args.notes or ""),
            forml = forml,
            types = resp.twoTypeBoxesLua(
                { "tiny" },
                { "vert-center" }
            groups = resp.twoEggBoxesLua(
                { "tiny" },
                { "vert-center" }


Generic entry creation function.
	- p: wikicode arguments table
	- kind: a string with the kind of entry ("level", "tm", "breed", "tutor",

entry.entry = function(p, kind)
    p = w.trimAll(p)
    local gen
    -- p[1] can be both a gen number or an ndex, depending on kind
    if{ "level", "tm", "breed" }, kind) then
        gen = tonumber(table.remove(p, 1))
        p.startGen = gen
    -- now p[1] is the ndex, and may be followed by old params
    local ndex = table.remove(p, 1)

    return entry.head(ndex, {
        STAB = p.STAB,
        notes = p.note,
        allforms = p.allforms,
        useless = p.useless,
        movename = p.movename,
    }) .. entry.tail(kind, p)

-- ========================= Wikicode interfaces ==============================


Entry level

m.level = function(frame)
    return entry.entry(mw.clone(frame.args), "level")
m.Level = m.level


Entry tm

--]] = function(frame)
    return entry.entry(mw.clone(frame.args), "tm")
m.Tm, m.TM =,


Entry breed

m.breed = function(frame)
    return entry.entry(mw.clone(frame.args), "breed")
m.Breed = m.breed


Entry event

m.event = function(frame)
    return entry.entry(mw.clone(frame.args), "event")
m.Event = m.event


Entry tutor

m.tutor = function(frame)
    return entry.entry(mw.clone(frame.args), "tutor")
m.Tutor = m.tutor

return m