
Questo modulo non ha ancora un manuale. Creane uno!

Module used as a frontend to wikicode for Gens-data module.

Each interface function is documented in its own comment, with examples.


local b = {}

-- stylua: ignore start
local tab = require('Modulo:Wikilib/tables')
local txt = require('Modulo:Wikilib/strings')
local css = require('Modulo:Css')
local gens = mw.loadData('Modulo:Gens/data')
local c = mw.loadData('Modulo:Colore/data')
-- stylua: ignore end


Return the number of the last (current) generation

{{#invoke: GenerationsData | getLastGen }}  --> 8

b.getLastGen = function(frame)
    return gens.latest
b.GetLastGen = b.getLastGen

-- Internal function to convert a roman number to arabic. The number should
-- corespond to a generation.
local function roman2arabic(roman)
    return tab.find(gens, function(gentab)
        return gentab.roman == roman
    end, ipairs)

-- Internal function to get the gens-data
local function genTable(gen)
    gen = roman2arabic(gen) or tonumber(gen)
    return gens[gen]


Return the ordinal number of the given generation (either an arabic or roman
number). The result is all lowercase.

Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getOrdinal | 4 }}    --> quarta
Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getOrdinal | III }}  --> terza

b.getOrdinal = function(frame)
    local gen = txt.trim(frame.args[1])
    return genTable(gen).ext
b.GetOrdinal = b.getOrdinal


Return the roman number of the given generation (either an arabic or roman

Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRoman | 7 }}   --> VII
Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRoman | IX }}  --> IX

b.getRoman = function(frame)
    local gen = txt.trim(frame.args[1])
    return genTable(gen).roman
b.GetRoman = b.getRoman


Return the region of the given generation (either an arabic or roman number).
The result is all lowercase.

Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegion | 4 }}    --> sinnoh
Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegion | III }}  --> hoenn

b.getRegion = function(frame)
    local gen = txt.trim(frame.args[1])
    return genTable(gen).region
b.GetRegion = b.getRegion


Return the color of the region of the given generation (either an arabic or
roman number). This function behaves like a color module call: the first
argument is the generation, and the second is an (optional) shade.

Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegionColor | 4 }}           --> 9ECF17
Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegionColor | II | light }}  --> FFB287

b.getRegionColor = function(frame)
    local gen = txt.trim(frame.args[1])
    local region = genTable(gen).region
    local shade = txt.trim(frame.args[2] or "normale")
    return c[region][shade]
b.GetRegionColor = b.getRegionColor


Return the gradient of the region of the given generation (either an arabic or
roman number). The first argument is the generation, the second is a function
in module Css to invoke (such as horizGrad).

Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegionGradient | 8 | horizGrad }}
Ex: {{#invoke: GenerationsData | getRegionGradient | V | radialGrad }}

b.getRegionGradient = function(frame)
    local gen = txt.trim(frame.args[1])
    local region = genTable(gen).region
    local func = txt.trim(frame.args[2]) .. "Lua"
    return css[func]({ type = region })
b.GetRegionGradient = b.getRegionGradient

return b